
Re: Monsavon shaving soap


This was a soap I'd been wanting to try for a while now, but just never got to it somehow. Max was nice enough to include a bowl in the package with a razor I'd bought from him. I've used it four times now and have a pretty good handle on the stuff.

For some background on me, the rotation soaps include IK, MWF, Harris, and stuff like that. I am sorta finicky about performance, and by now I've found some things that work well.

So, I really like this Monsavon soap! First couple times the slip and cushion were still very good, but the third time I really nailed it. Yeah, used a little stiffer brush and loaded a little more product and bingo! The lather looked very beautiful and performed like crazy. The puck texture is interesting........a very soft one that's easy to load up the brush with.

The lather's got just the right amount of cushion, which means the blade's able to get through to whack them whiskers properly. The razor slides without resistance over my face, just as other favorite soaps of mine do. It's a very smooth drive.......heh.

The scent doesn't grab me, but I don't hate it either. If the stuff really honked my sniffer it would be in play a lot. Turns out I like this soap enough to occasionally use it for a very good change of pace. I have a number of soaps like that, such as PdP, Speick, Irish Moos, and a few others that I enjoy occasionally. Very good performers but the scent just isn't quite right for me to use often. Heh, good ones to have in the shaving arsenal, in other words. Oh yeah, I should mention the Monsavon post shave skin care is quite a bit above average.....very nice actually.

I guess this stuff is very inexpensive and easy to come by in France. That's a pretty handy item to have available in the local store. I was glad to finally have the Monsavon monkey jump off my back.

For those that still want to try this, I'm willing to set up another group buy for this one.

Just let me know, last one is here: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4377</a><!-- l -->

Shame it's not readily available in the UK. I bought a tube of Palmolive shave cream when in France, which is available in the UK. Should have picked up this instead, though I do quite like the Palmolive as an everyday drive.
I just voted 3 stars on Monsavon.
Value for money is superb. I picked up a bowl for 1.15 euros this summer. It looks like the bowl would last a very long time making the cost per shave miniscule.
Sadly, this seems to be the only category in which it excells.
The lather is good and whips up into a cushioning lather. For me, it lacks any richness or creaminess and the slickness just doesn't match up to nearly all of my other soaps or creams.
The scent is fine at first but I have gone off it a bit. It seems a bit too chemically for my liking.
I would say that if you are in France and have a euro spare, pick it up and have a try but don't expect it to replace anything other than another budget soap in your line up
It's a decent enough soap, though I don't find the lather as protective or slick as Palmolive or Ingram, for comparisons at the budget end of things. No complaints for the price when bought in France. Wouldn't pay more than that for it though.