Modern Classic Razors

I've been dabbling with vintage razors recently and some very good ones out there for not a lot of money, especially if you avoid the Gillette Fat Boy/Slim adjustable and rarer items.
It got me thinking, 100 years from now when we're all in flying cars, taking day trips to the moon and perhaps free of coronavirus, what would likely be a desirable, rare or expensive razor from those available today.
There's a lot of choice at the moment and I wouldn't expect rarity to be so much a factor. Most razors, even the top-end ones are mass produced and with stainless steel razors being a thing now, these will last a long, long time.
Off the top of my head I can only think of the Merkur Vision being very rare as it's hard to get a hold of now let alone in 100 years. Not sure whether it could be classed as desirable though as it's very niche. It'll most certainly be expensive.

Any other razors that might fall into the desirable/rare/expensive category in the far-flung future?
Feather AS-D2 and the Pils razor may be sought after in the far future because shaving isn't going to move on that much and a great razor now will be a great razor then.
Limited run razors will always be sought after be it now or in the future especially if they are / were outstanding razors in the first place, the Paradigm SE springs to mind. P.