Moderation Discussion (branched from Nishy's Farewell Thread)

Oh, and I need to work much harder at getting banned from B&B ... I guess I should post there now and again, although my "this still gives me wood"* picture was indeed met with some moderation, a PM, another PM and a second visit from the though police when I returned my text back to my original intention. I think that's all the slack I was likely to get ...

* it was in the "cars you have owned" thread and it was a picture of my sensationally sexy late-80s SAAB 900 Turbo, replete with body-coloured wheels.
A little bit from column A and a little bit from column B?
Nah. 95% column B.
I was castigated on B&B by a moderator for posting a link to a TSD thread, during a discussion of the Gillette Contra. "Duplication of B&B forum owned content." Was the reason given, despite the fact that outside of two threads on B&B and one actually informative thread on The Shave Den, and a patent drawing, no information on that razor exists outside of Gillette's vaults.

Despite minor annoyances here, this forum has a long way to go if it wants to reach the epic heights of first class douchebaggery B&B has mastered.

And pants. Pictures of pants. Green uns.
No green pants please nor soiled ones either. Maroon pants only will be tolerated except those wildly skidmarked and in poor repair. Oh crikey, I've been 13 hours oot in various gairdens today and the sun must've gotten to me.

B&B is a no go zone for people with minds, never had much of a problem on TSN. TSD is pretty good. I'll go back on B&B when the sun shines blue and the sky glows yellow, snow becomes tartan coloured and grass is pink. Place is run by Guns n' Ammo retard erseholes! Did you serve your country today, BOY? No, then get to the back of the class as we gennelmen take precedence despite our collective IQs being less than that of frogspawn. Feckers and kents!
I seem to have missed the cause of a couple of people leaving, but the gist I'm getting is that it was down to the perception of over-zealous moderation. TBH this is one of the more permissive forums I've been a member of. Without anyone getting named, is this down the the actions of one mod or in general?

It's possible that I've just missed all the fireworks and am therefore speaking from naivety, but I've never felt like TSR was over-moderated. The banning of comments in the BST was slightly annoying but I can understand the reasoning having seen a couple of these degenerate into slanging.

IMO when moderation is necessary a reason should be given, by PM to the member in question if it's not deemed acceptable to be done publicly, however the comments from members mentioning that posts have been edited / removed without them knowing why implies that this is not happening, which is bound to cause bad feeling.