Moderation Discussion (branched from Nishy's Farewell Thread)

I Agree 100 %..The UK is Going through Some Turmoil at the Moment with Recent & Ongoing Events..It would appear to Me Rightly or Wrongly Peoples Frustrations & Gripes are Coming Out Elsewhere..Like Here..Bad Times..

Your right, I did mean PM's though didn't make that clear. Right, to allow the dust to settle I will scurry off and go and make some more soap. Pleased to read your enjoying the Southsea Spray so much. Also pleased to read Carl's explanation of what has been going on.
It just baffles me this place -

Someone starts a thread about "facial scrubs" or "genital shaving" and it appears acceptable behavior to constantly run them down and to post threads suggesting that those involved are "fucking benders". It seems that satisfying the egos of a handful of people is more important than allowing people to have their questions answered with a small bit of respect.

Nishy, the most pleasant, decent, friendly, helpful guy about the place asks in the 'Feedback and Help Requests' forum "does anyone moderator the moderators?" and his post is sent to limbo.

The first post seems to be covered by the "pinch of salt" rule and the second warrants moderation. I don't understand this sort of inconsistency. I'm all for a bit of banter, but surely there are boundaries.
They Shouldn't ask Silly Questions...

Fair point jb 74, and I'll not use the cop out line about " different senses of humour etc ". That's one if the reasons I had no gripe about an intended humourous remark of mine being deleted because it was found unwelcome by another member.
My own hope ( maybe in vain ) is that perhaps the stroke of genius which is this sidelined thread by Big Bro B could be allowed to remain open for concerns or misunderstandings to be raised on general matters. At least then everyone can feel they have access to one specific thread to air their thoughts. This forum welcomed this curmudgeonly old codger in some years back and has put up with my meanderings ever since. I have great affection for it and have shuddered over the past week or so at what an image we ( yes, I do mean me also ) may give a new member or casual browser. Perhaps any admin or mod reading could have a pm with the others and see how you feel about having one " general mumps " thread. Specific complaints or queries I still feel are better dealt with privately vua pm.

JohnnyO. o/
Mod's discretion, it seems, and no standards.

In all these pages of talk, countless times it has been asked, "What did we do wrong?" Maybe, you know, so we know what is kosher and what not. No answer, other than, "our rules state that we can remove anything, any time, for whatever we feel like". Or "PM us for details", like getting to know how to speak on a public forum should be a private secret, that is your job to inquire about after you've been targeted. It has already been said they don't have time to explain themselves to you. So what's the point?

Basically, it is your job to know and get on the right side of every mod... Kiss up, sweet talk, cuddle them... Make a list of each of their favorite soaps, razors, brushes, and vendors and be sure to love each and every one of these things as much as they do. Don't, and your posts may get thrown out for speculating why Cobra is constantly out of stock, like Rob and I did.

Sure, they have the right to do it, it's their forum, and this is why people create new forums and leave once there's a better option. But talking publicly about this can help prevent such a split if both sides are willing to listen and work together. Will this forum survive such a split? Probably. B&B survived when the first aggrieved members came here, but B&B is a much less colorful and happy place to be after their various splits and banishments, and I would venture to wager this place might be too.

Forums live or die on the quality of their members, and I think people are fooling themselves to think, "hey, it's only 2 who've left. Sad, but there are plenty more." I would guess that for every one that leaves publicly, 10-20 more leave quietly, not having time for drama or arguments on a hobby that should be pleasurable, and is ultimately private anyway. Mark my words, if the no standards, arbitrary over-moderation continues, the culture of this place will change, and you won't even know when it happened. People who care about this place are trying to prevent that, but if one shaving forum is as good as another for you, there's no reason to continue following this debate. Just go back to your SOTD thread and take a nap. No reason to to let this kerfuffle disturb your stupor.

(One last note, I do Admin a forum, non-shaving related. Payments for servers and software is once a year, and takes 10 minutes, tops. Once the software is set up, little to no maintenance is required. The back end, behind the scenes work is virtually nil. The only exception to this is if you get hacked, are overrun with spam, or if the site crashes. Then, you are very busy for the short and rare amount of times this occurs, and then you're back on auto-pilot.

If Admins aren't present, it is because they aren't present... Can't be bothered, or have more important things in their lives.)
They Shouldn't ask Silly Questions...

I remember with particular fondness the chap who asserted that shaving his nether regions "improved performance", I believe Vinnie did his best to offend the bejaysus out of him.
@jb74 I do understand what your saying there, I wonder whether any of the posts on the bald knackers thread were actually flagged for moderation.

That's the third time you've made reference to that particular post.

Find it and report it or stop banging on about it like a hysterical teenage girl on Facebook.

I didn't aim those comments at anyone, I stated that was the general theme of replies relating to those types of threads.

It's called 'context', treacle.

Let it go.