Mixing my own soap

Right that sounds good will just ease off on the scent or maybe next tester batch to be unscented to be sure its the scent that's z problem as that is the bit I am most unclear on how much to use. I will wait for my other testers to report and then make one last test batch with less scent and a tweak to give a bit more moisture

I feel I may be getting on well here pity I can't really sell it. Perhaps I can trade it like secret shaving contraband available to the chosen few !!! :lol:
Sorry to be a Pain guys but maybe just one more lab rat session after the other testers report

sunburyboy93 said:
I feel I may be getting on well here pity I can't really sell it. Perhaps I can trade it like secret shaving contraband available to the chosen few !!! :lol:

Why can't you? Would you have to get in to soap-making on a much bigger scale to make it worth it because of red tape / regulations? Henk sells his soap so why can't you?

That said, I do like the idea of a secret currency made up of Suns (large slabs), Burys (normal cakes) and Boys (little knobbles) that can be traded for other shaving tackle. Perhaps you want to try a pack or two of blades. Just swap them for a Boy. Someone has a New Forest brush for sale. "How about a couple of Lavender Suns and a Lime Bury?" "Wow, that's a great trade that is more useful than actual money - you've got yourself a deal mate!" "Thanks!"

I must go to bed soon, my head is getting all mixed up. :shock:
Pig Cat said:
Why can't you? Would you have to get in to soap-making on a much bigger scale to make it worth it because of red tape / regulations? Henk sells his soap so why can't you?

I must go to bed soon, my head is getting all mixed up. :shock:
:lol: :lol:

My aim was to sell the soap just on here If i got a good enough response to it But as a few members that have kindly helped me with my endless questions also pointed out that I would need a safety assessor to approve it and while what I am doing is ok and easy to do getting info on the bases I use would be a headache and there is all the records that have to be kept. Etc etc alot of work for what is just a bit of fun making soap for my shaving mates on here

Perhaps I can trade or sell it on the quiet. :? It's just a bit of fun tht I enjoy and might be good for the members
Used the Lime one this morning & was impressed with how far you've developed the mix in such a short time Steve. Initial impressions ;

Scent ; Nice, slightly "sour" lime scent which I didn't find at all strong or intrusive. Just clean and pleasant, very similar to the Floris version.

Prep ; I did as suggested & popped it in the micro a la Fido ; 10 secs @ 850 gave a good result.

Lather ; Easily got a good, stiff lather using a not too wet brush. It applied easily & felt fine on the face.

Shaving ; Used an Ever Ready SE with a new blade & found good slippage and lather held up well for first pass and into second. By end of second pass the lather seemed to be drying out on my face, possibly I over worked it on application as this was my first try out.

After shave there was no irritation although skin felt slightly dry until I made my usual application of skinfood.

All in all I'm surprised how far you've come with this soap in such a short time Sunster. Well done you & thanks for the samples.

JohnnyO. /
I think that when you get it right you should sell it under the counter. you could have a special code and a small payment could be made as a paypal gift. Could be quite fun, all very secret squirrel. :lol:

Cheers matey

looking good, just need to stop the slight drying effect, and cut back on the scent and looks like we could have lift off, a few more results to come in first

cheers matey

heroblob said:
I think that when you get it right you should sell it under the counter. you could have a special code and a small payment could be made as a paypal gift. Could be quite fun, all very secret squirrel. :lol:

i could set up a PAYG mobile for orders and we could have a code word to verify who you are and we could meet in the words at midnight for the "exchange" ?

will be up for getting a few cakes of it on the go, just need to be carful with the soap police :?

glad to see it's getting better as the recipe is tweaked around

Didn't use the limes till this morning, but here we go.

I didn't soak the soap as i would Mama bears, but perhaps i should have done. took a while to load the brush, This may have also been due to the ramekin i used having a convex bottom which left the centre of the bowl and brush soap free. The rose should be easier in this respect as it has covered the ramekin much more evenly. Once i had loaded the brush i transferred the lather to a bowl. This again was an unknown as it was the first time out with a small casserole dish. Much smaller in diameter than my usual bowl and with vertical sides. the rose i will lather in my original bowl. Lather produced was good, perhaps not as thick as Nanny's but that may have been due to not enough soap loaded on the brush. That said it was adequate for a very nice shave. The scent was very good, i certainly wouldn't reduce the amount of EO in the soap. The lather stayed stable on my face and in the bowl long enough to have 3 passes plus touch up, and appeared to have enough slip to give a very close irritation free shave. I did notice that the lather in the bowl began to dry out a little, and almost took on a slightly grainy look. This was soon remedied by a quick re swirl. The soap never appeared to dry my skin, and i only applied Proraso post shave today and no Skin food or balm, and 4 hours on and my face still feels soft and silky.

I tend to rank soaps against Nanny's, which i seem to have a great deal of success with. This being a glycerine soap should be ranked against Mama bears, Which i originally had difficulty using. On Sunday i will try the rose in the same way that i have found success with mama bears, Ie Soak the soap with warm water and over load the brush.
From first use Steve i would say this is very close and it may be more about my lack of experience than the soap itself.
Very well done.
Looking forward to Sunday.
*thread hijack*

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Picking up on the comment earlier about mixing EOs with a Palmolive Classic shave stick, what amount of EO would be "safe".

2 drops per stick etc?

Sorry for the hijack!

Cheers matey, things are looking good, have made a lavender one today with a few twaeks of the ingredients, if it's ok with all my testers, i will send this sample out, sorry guys but promise it will be the last one

Holmes81 said:
*thread hijack*

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Picking up on the comment earlier about mixing EOs with a Palmolive Classic shave stick, what amount of EO would be "safe".

2 drops per stick etc?

Sorry for the hijack!

Palmo is a great soap but the fragrance is....well what it is.......i wouldn't add fragrance to it as i reckon it would be a strange messy scent.
if you did i reckon you would need to add woody, fern , moss type smells...

i have found that the less EO the better as some early testers have reported a tingle on using my soap, so i have cut right back, and now only use a tiny amount...and make sure its decent stuff and not the cheap oils that are meant for fragrance burners as they are not suited for use on skin....
sunburyboy93 said:
Cheers matey, things are looking good, have made a lavender one today with a few twaeks of the ingredients, if it's ok with all my testers, i will send this sample out, sorry guys but promise it will be the last one


Feel free Steve. If it's not too cheeky could you send me a double dose so i have enough to fill the bottom of my ramekin. Will make brush loading easier.
Looking forward to it.