Mixing my own soap

slash said:
Any more samples steve or am i too late..sounds good but only just clicked on this thread..

yes mate will post a mint and lime sample to you tomorrow

as i said to the others, pop in a bowl and in the microwave for a few seconds otherwise a cube of it is awkward to use.....

Tried the rose sample this evening using a Merkur slant loaded with a Supermax and a reknotted pure badger from TGN.

Foolishly tried to face lather by rubbing icecube sized lump of soap across my fizzog and over the brush. Lathered up nicely with a lovely subtle rosey smell. Lather lasted and cushioned well but was not as thick or slick as say Henk's or Nanny's offerings but a really encouraging first attempt Steve.

Before I try it next time I will do as instructed and pop it in a ramekin in the microwave which I feel sure will enable me to load up with more soap and improve lather further.

I have tried it numerous times but bowl lathered after melting in a little pot. Put another post after you have tried that but thanks for first impression

Let me know

"What's that smell?" "And what are you doing with the microwave?"

Fido's not often seen in the kitchen. And certainly not anywhere near ovens of any sort.

"Just melting some shaving soap dear"

"Well get that stuff out of here. That's a terrible smell."

Such are the trials we endure.

They just don't understand. And perhaps have more sensitive noses.
Yeah, get back out on the golf course & wander round with yer keks tucked into yer sox Fido ! Soap in the microwave ? I jist can't fathom how some of you live !!

JohnnyO. :lol:
Sorry Steve, haven't used mine yet. I had a bit of an OCD thing going on and have decided to finish a small cream sample :? before moving on. I reckon two more shaves then I get my hands on your two little nuggets. :hungrig
"Get my trotters on your two little nuggets" !!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh dear, that PigCat, what is he like. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope to give the sample which arrived safely this afternoon a try in the morning Steve, thanks.

Steve, are the two samples rose and limes exactly the same mix just different scents. In which case they should perform the same. or are they different formulas, which may have different characteristics.
heroblob said:
Steve, are the two samples rose and limes exactly the same mix just different scents. In which case they should perform the same. or are they different formulas, which may have different characteristics.

they are slightly different, the Green lime one has more Olive oil and less shea butter, the pink rose has more castor oil and more shea butter.....

just see which ones work best, i have had nice irritation free shaves from both,

make sure the brush is fairly wet to get going in top of the soap and grabs a fair amount of soap, and i get best results bowl lathering

I've just got your samples, Steve, and I'll report back this evening or early doors tomorrow. Full marks for generosity with the fragrance, by the way - it smells like there's a whole rose bush in the pink one.
And sure enough: not feeling right special tonight so went for a safety razor, but I'll be perfectly happy to use this soap (lime tonight, by the way) with an open blade. Nice creamy lather as you say, and plenty of it. I did get the slight stinging again, maybe this is something to do with the scent, because the formula sounds benign enough. This one seems to be more drying than the garam masala soap, or maybe it's just the weather. I'll have more to say tomorrow, but you can chalk this up as a success, Steve.