Mitchells Wool Fat

I should cocoa

This earnest if baffling expression of agreement comes from cockney rhyming slang. The phrase when used in full is “I should coffee and cocoa”, meaning “I should say so”.
I should cocoa

This earnest if baffling expression of agreement comes from cockney rhyming slang. The phrase when used in full is “I should coffee and cocoa”, meaning “I should say so”.
But it's mainly used ironically - so Moodymick is apparently disagreeing with my opinion.
I agree, there are probably more variables than just the water we need to consider...brush type, load time, lather method, bloomed v non bloomed.
I can only get it to work if bloomed over night and lathered with a boar!
Another great hard soap to try which I think has the edge in cushion and scent (prepare to be chastised) is Tabac.
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