Mitchell's Wool Fat takeover?

New Forest, England.
Saw this:

"by the way did you know L'Oreal are buying MWF, theyre now going to be made in one of L'Oreal's Chinese factories, packaging will be the same of course but the formulation will be be changed to something that better suits the needs of mass production "

Should we start stocking up?

This is likely to be a wind up - but one never knows!
I've never tried MWF, there seems to be no middle ground, it's either loved or hated. Was going to buy the Kent labelled MWF. Been put off by some posters inability to obtain a decent lather. Mmmm! Maybe wait to see what Mr Kringle brings.

Seasons Greetings
Is it similar to or as good (performance wise) as the lovely Tabac?

My main objectives:

cushioning and beard softening ability. Tabac excels in both these areas.
Sonny: no, Tabac is still top (with, imho Palmolive and Henk). WMF is like a single malt scotch / marmite, some love it some hate it.

The only issue anyone has with Tabac is the smell (some can't stand it) but no-one complains about the oodles of rich creamy lather it produces.
sonny said:
Is it similar to or as good (performance wise) as the lovely Tabac?

My main objectives:

cushioning and beard softening ability. Tabac excels in both these areas.

It's different, but good enough. A true face lathering soap, pleasant scent, just load the brush enough in hard water areas.
Henk'll tell you soap don't soften, water does, or the water captured in the lather after the soap has done it's job.
Some like the skin conditioning properties of this soap, which may be attributed to the lanolin.

What happened to your "magic cream" that is the only thing that works for you and you couldn't tell anybody about?
hunnymonster said:
Honestly can't see it - but an excuse to buy more to go with the 10 or so I have :lol:

How long is its shelf life?
I bought 2 a year ago (One in the ceramic dish and a refill). I love the stuff but I rotate it with tabac and cella (and palmolive) soaps and have tried using more creams in the winter(for my sensitive skin). I reckon the first bar is going to last me a couple of years at this rate......

Oh, and I can't really see MWF being bought out and reformulated. It's a niche product and I can't see the financial incentive for a company to switch sales away from highly profitable canned goo to a relatively cheap soap that lasts for years.
hunnymonster said:
I reckon the shelf-life of an unused cake of hard soap will be measured in decades...
Fido has a vintage cake of Yardley, but I don't know if he's used it ... I'd guess that Wool Fat is good for many years in storage. As regards the quality of the stuff, given the right water, I now think it's even better than Tabac for the lather, although not for scent, making it a tie.

Magic Cream? Oh right, The LEGEND KILLER? Yep, still got it. Will never stop using it. just had loadsa other samples to try so have not had a chance to go back to it. All will be revealed VERY soon. I promise.

I'm seeing the friend who gave me the Yardley's today. Unopened since the early 60s and it lathered up a treat. I'm going to use it this morning. I haven't told him one sold on Ebay for £53 the day he gave it to me!
Soap may dry out if stored without cover, or with insufficient cover, but other than that, most industrial soaps and good shaving soaps, being made from (mostly) saturated fats, will keep almost indefinitely. Drying will slightly alter their initial lathering properties (mainly quickness of lather building), but not much else. They will eventually lose their scent though.

Many artisanal soaps, i.e. those that include unsaturated fats and oils, have a shelf life that may range from months to years, mainly due to oxidation and auto-oxidation of the unsaturated fatty acids (i.e. they go rancid). Some oils are notorious for this, such as hemp oil.


Yes - it's a wind-up.


So MWF kept in its packet should last me 10 years at least?

I might order some more in.