Ming Shi Unscrew 3000S

Alfonse Querivel briefly reviewed the razor elsewhere and implied that it was a very soft/gentle/mild razor (even at higher settings), which was perhaps due to it's 80g weight. He wasn't confident with it's quality, but seemed impressed and promised more details after a shave this Wednesday.
I find it difficult to answer exactly when I get the razor in hand (I just ordered) I will answer for sure. But "Futur" clones are here https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Qsh...r-Shaving-Mens-Base-1-pc/32807554864.html?spm = 2114.10010108.1000013.2.627b40eemDSAw8 & gps-id = pcDetailBeatMatomMoreThisSeller & scm = 1007.13339.90158.0 & scm_eft = 1007.13339.90158.0 & scm-url = 1007.1333339.90158.0 & pvid = 4ac5eft_app = 0755 & scm-url = 1007.13339.90158.0
I did a review of mine on Badger and Blade.
I hope its OK to link another site. If it isn't, mods please remove it.
Search "unscrewed" on B&B and you'll find it.

The only thing I can add after using the razor for a few shaves, is that the geometry of the head seems to welcome a steep shaving angle (riding the bar as opposed to riding the cap).