Message from Paul (Blademonkey)

A big thank you to all my friends at TSR

Hello Chris, I received a box from my friends at TSR ( this you know already ) thank you.

I can not tell you all how much it means to me that you should send me a wonderful Christmas card with a treasured picture on the front of it, the picture being the last one I took of my beautiful friend Taz before he was put to sleep.
I have to say it brought more than a few tears to my eyes, not only for the picture card, the donation made on my behalf to "The Last Chance Hotel", a wonderful animal sanctuary down here in Cornwall which is close to my heart and also the Christmas gifts but because you took the time to remember and think of me even though I have been absent for so long.
It is touching to know that I have not been forgotten on the forum.
I thank all of you who have supported me in one way or another through my sadness and loss, I have not felt this level of camaraderie since I was in the army.
You are the most wonderful group of gentlemen, the salt of the earth.
I will return, I cannot say when just yet but it will be soon.
Once again, a big thank you to you and may I take this opportunity to wish you all a merry Christmas dispite the Covid 19 restrictions that may be in force wherever you may be.

Chris, please forward this message to all my friends at TSR.

All of the very best,

Paul aka Blademonkey.
As you're all aware, an eagle arrived following a Southwesterly flight today.
I meant to ask about the eagle - is it -

“Houston,” Armstrong said. “Tranquility base here. The Eagle has landed.”

or -

'Broadsword calling Danny boy, broadsword calling Danny boy,' - either way - the eagle landed. - I.

Do you get eagles in Devon? Loads up here - I can sent you one - I might need help with the postage. I'm not sure how I can wrap it up - big pecky bastards - as they are. Not as bad as mailing a sea eagle - f**k - have you ever seen one? A wardrobe with wings. I
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Not a bad selection. But my favourite local bird specimens are:

Badum tsss
Fantastic to see you Paul.

A very merry Christmas to you and see you real soon !

Great to hear you like them Paul and Merry Christmas!

We're looking forward to seeing you back