Closed Merkur Futur Pass Around


Sorry for the delay in replying I have been away for 10 days armed only with a Tablet my daughter gave me, I can read the forum on it ,but damned if I can type on that minuscule keyboard! Anyway the list has been updated.

Couldn't resist, just bought a Futur from BST so please take me off the list and a huge thank you for starting the PIA. This is truly a fantastic forum
What a truly wonderful bit of kit. The only flaw that I can find is the lack of grip on the handle, that's more personal preference than a fault as its not been an issue at all. I've used it on setting 2.5, even a that mild setting, I think it's a real beast and has to be treated with the utmost of respect. In truth, I think I'm too much of a big Jessie to go any higher as I think it's shaving me within a millimetre of my life!

Definitely as good as the slim, albeit different, better than the Fatboy - lacking somewhat in character though.

Similar to classic cars and modern cars - they will eventually be classics but lack a bit of soul.

A new Mercedes is definitely a better engineered machine than an old one but there's something just right about a classic even though there's nothing wrong with the modern.

I'll get one of these.... dear Santa
benthespaniel said:
Arrived safe and well in Bonnie Scotland and will get its first run tonight

My reading of the list is that nc35 was next up (Post #20)

Big Bob next given the post before mine?

Hi Ben, I think I am next up on the list, post #14, then it was nc35 at #20 and it doesn't have so far to travel.

Lol it's Norfolkdick. I just realized 80% of the lending pool is your stuff. I'd like to try this adjustable razor so count me in. But i'm sticking to my R41 ok? I'm more curious of seeing this razor in person and what it's like living with adjustable, since many people were pitching me the idea when i was trying to upgrade from the ultra mild EJ89 o/
It arrived safely this morning, thank you. It turned up after this mornings shave but I'm looking forward to trying this beast of a razor out tomorrow.

I didn't think I was going to like this due to the shear size of the head, but, sadly, I love it. What a noise it makes, a bit sore on the neck but that is probably just a case of tuning the angle and maybe dialling it down a notch. Apart from the mildly sore neck, but that is my own fault being a little gung ho, first impressions are really favourable.
I'll give it another try out or to two and clean it up and pass it on to Big Bob.
Thanks for the loan, Dick.

I have had my final shave with the Futur, and I really enjoyed it, it's now on my wish list. It is currently being sterilised awaiting packing up and passing on. I was about to post it to Big Bob but noticed on the waiting list it was actually Tony.T's turn. So PMs have been sent to both and I am awaiting Tony's address, again sorry for the confusion Bob.

Thanks again Dick for the loan,

Received the future today- thanks Scott!

I'll try it out for a couple of days and pass it on- I believe it's Big Bob's turn next, so please can you PM me your address?
Sent the futur out to Big Bob today.

Thanks Norfolk Dick for the chance to try this.

I actually owned one about a year ago when I was a novice. I sold it as I couldn't get on with it.

Having got more experience I decided I should revisit it as it seems to be so well liked.

I actually only used it once which confirmed my thoughts a year ago. I found it appalling- once you have have used a Weber, that sort of sets the bar, the futur fell so short it was comical.

Everyone is different so I hope Big Bob likes it!
Received 5 minutes ago. Like the weight. Will try it tomorrow or Saturday for the first time.

Dr_Paul, You are next on the list. PM your details and I will send it when I've had a few shaves with it.