Merkur 34HD vs Slant 37 HD???

The world is my Office
Ok I want to try both theses razors but what do you guys think about them and which should I try first?
I uses straights and a shavette when I have time and my current rotation is a futur (I have no problems using it on 6) and a flare tip rocket.

I like a close shave and I like a quick shave. The Futur can do this for me and the rocket is more work to get it close but I can get an SAS shave on work days when I'm running late with both. But the Futur is a little big for doing my top lip and the rocket is a touch mild. Both give me an irritation free shave if i use them correctly. I like short handles the Futur is an exception because of its shape.
I won't be alone in saying the 34C is a super shave, I have a heavy beard and shave 6 days a week and I like a reasonably quick shave as well. The 34C does a close shave in 2 quickish passes on my face.

The slant is next on my list, it's got to be the one to try if you like aggression. I hear it shaves similarly to the 34C but with a bit more bite again.
I regrette it now but when I first brought a DE I brought one that was light and had a long handle because that was what I was used to with the disposables. I picked up the 34 HD and the weight scared me but after using the Futur I know weight is good :) I wish I had gone with the totally consistant recommendations and got the 34 HD.
Slant 37c/39c=Scything motion used to cut great for my very coarse beard
All other DE razors=standard cutting angle of the whiskers..I use em too
I love the 34C-HD, but my only beef with the razor is I find the handle to short, if I was buying my first razor again I would go for the Merkur barber pole, but my Feather AS-D1 is the perfect DE razor, I may be looking to try something different, but I know you wont better that razor.

Having owned both and the 38c, i would be tempted to go with the 38C.

I was not over impressed by the Slant and honestly believe you can get the same effect by using the Gillette Slide.

The only reason I would be tempted to go for the 38 over the 34 is that the extra weight and handle length will make your transition from a Futur smoother as you may find the 34 a bit small / light by comparison. :|
As the replies show, they're both well appreciated razors whose users like them. My personal choice would be the slant (nowhere near the face threatening monster it can sometimes be made out to be) however I bet you wont regret your purchase no matter which you go for. Really nice, well engineered serious razors which should last a lifetime.

JohnnyO. \ :geek:
They are both certainly very fine razors. I no longer own a 34HD but always enjoyed using it. I do use the Slant regularly and I agree with JohnnyO that it is certainly not as scary as some people believe.

I wasn't sure what all the fuss was about when I first started using it. Now though, I believe the standout quality of the Slant is its sheer efficiency at removing the whiskers. I find that 2 passes will often achieve the same results as 3 passes with my other DEs. It took me a while to really appreciate it but I love the Slant now :)
IMO the 34 is an overrated razor. It was my first modern, but now it is out on loan, and that is how little I think of it. And whn you compare it to the EJ it is also overpriced.
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