May 2017 Acquisitions

Don't tell the wife what

Hi Rob,

Thank you for your reply.
I have worded my previous comments so badly, (its been a long day )
What I was trying to imply with such bad wording was that I really do love the Grande. I have removed whiskers with such a good shave using Astra blades.
It bit me yesterday because I had become too confident with it perhaps. I merely rested the razor below my nose on the left hand side and got my angles completely wrong.
The blade promptly reminded me.

To conclude, I am loving the Grande, it is an amazing razor for so little money and I cannot wait to have a go with the R41.

Good night and happy shaving all
Managed to take a photo this morning of my newly acquired Midas Custom shaving brush. Super soft tips, partly due to it being a second-hand brush. No notable badger funk to speak of either! I'll give it a thorough wash with some Borax I think prior to use and hopefully that'll give it an opportunity to re-bloom after it's trip to me in an envelope!

Not a lot of loft which is preferable as it gives this brush a nice bit of backbone. Lovely white and butterscotch handle - it progresses through clear and opaque resin throughout with a white collar. Lovely mixture.

Very much looking forward to using this!

Edit: Gave it a test-lather with P&B Denali (thanks @nolisco!) (which I will certainly use for the first time on my next shave). A few hairs were shed, but only 3/4, so hopefully it isn't a permanent shedder... if it is, however, I'll certainly re-knot it. The handle is lovely and weighty and comfortable.
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