March 2021 Acquisitions

Enjoy it!

No special treatment needed! Just get in there and use it. Maybe a week or so, it'll start to ease up ...

Yes, the last few new boar brushes I had no treatment process for, no soaking overnight but I did wash them with Signature Soaps dog shampoo to get rid of the barnyard funk a little but the Semogue smells ok so far.

I used to be of the mindset the break in process is something to hasten but I'm now growing to appreciate the changing nature of boar brushes are what makes them so enjoyable to use.
Last month, I took the long road and enjoyed easing a Semogue SOC Butterscotch into service and this month, the same with a Semogue SOC Taj. It happens when the time is right. While they were still thirsty, I just loaded up really well building a proto-lather on the soap itself. You know I'm a single pass shaver, but I do like a comfort lather afterwards ... which I used to gauge just how my piggies were settling in.
...I DO think that Semogue can take a while to break in though!

I had one that was impossible to break in. I sold it to a buddy cheap. Could have polished granite with it!! I have a Zenith that is a little better. If a person is dead set on a new boar then Omega breaks in the best IMO. Nowadays I use a natural brush less than five times a year if that as the latest synthetics are just light years ahead.

I've not used any of the newer generation of synth brushes like APShaveCo's Synbad, SilkSmoke, the new PAA ones, or the Simpsons Trafalgar series brushes all of which are rated really highly.
I own quite a few different Yaqi synths - including Plissoft, Tuxedo and Faux Horse knots. They all make a superb lather, and work really well with all soaps. I've found the first one I bought the humble Yaqi Plissoft to be the one I end up reaching for more than the others.
Blackland collection top up, and a suitably enabled brush buy, @donnie_arko & @pjgh
I needed a couple of Piggies in the collection, I moved on a couple a while back.
A SOC TAJ & a Torga

The Proraso? I haven't tried it and I used the bulk2 promo code @shavingstation, and TSR code at Connaught.
Usual brilliant service from both suppliers.
Both brushes shampooed and 1st test lathers done. Promising.
If you ever decide to sell the SV 70th anniversary ... let me know !
Beautiful haul
Dunno about being the 'Most handsome man on TSR', but you might well be the richest.
Nice! I'm certainly enjoying my Taj this month ...

I'd used is maybe a handful of times ad hoc but when I set out to use it for the month, by the end of the first week it was really starting to ease up (so, that's maybe 10 lathers?). By the end of the second week it was all good! Have fun!

Can I give you a “dibs” list for the inevitable sale?
I started out with a Kent Infinity Silvertex and used that exclusively for maybe a year or more. I stumped up the readies for a Muhle Silvertip Fibre and very much enjoyed that, seeing my investment as very much worthwhile. After that, many of my reknots were done with PurTech as that was pretty much the only knot available (other than the one screw-in 21mm Muhle Silvertip Fibre) from Virginia Sheng. I reknotted quite a lot of Ever-Ready brushes and took some joy in pulling out those old nylon wire knots from the '50s and popping in a modern synthetic.

More recently, I have a couple of lovely vintage lucite handle Ever-Ready brushes with Tuxedo and like that knot a lot! There's the obligatory Plissoft that I rarely use and a couple of Plissoft Noir knots in those RazoRock 400 handles. I like those. Cashmere is probably my favourite and I have a long handled Yaqi Dandelion and a reknotted Asylum Brush Works Scanlon with the same 24mm Cashmere - it's like a super-soft boar. This is one of the new, new type of fibre.

I got in one of those Snow White knots from DS Cosmetics? DC Cosmetics? and it's okay. It's kinda like I would imagine an old-gen Cashmere, if that makes sense? I've also tried a Silksmoke and let that brush go to a new owner. I didn't like it much. I was expecting super-soft and it didn't deliver that, nor did it really deliver a scritchier lather on the face. It did fling soap around the place. I tried one of those newer gen brushes from Vie-Long but it was awful. There's a review on here somewhere. Otherwise, I have a few Haryali brushes and brushes that I've hacked for the knots to put into vintage. I like that knot, which does have a scritchier feel and most definitely feels more like badger for those odd occasions that I might want to re-live that.

Kent have an Infinity Plus knot that I'd like to try. It looks a lot more like Silvertip fibre. On that, don't discount the classic Silvertip fibre. Like all these newfangled shaving things, you go back to an R89 or a Silvertip fibre and you do indeed think, "that's pretty good, actually".

Vie-Long synthetic review:

hmm..Should I buy more Extro stuff??