Manky Boy restoration!

Yes they were!, but she may will live on in another FB!, I will take some photos of the parts that have had it, just to show why I don't want to just replate it and send it out. Believe me, she has had many years of not to careful use....
What does she need, I may have spares here
Thanks for the offer Hippo, glad to see you back BTW!, but poor old Manky Boy, to be a worthwhile restore, needs loads of work, and TBH, it really wouldn't be worth it. Like I said in a previous post, someone has had a go at it before, and the pitting is pretty bad all over. No external part seems to have escaped, it would need a new TTO knob, the inside is worn down beyond belief , a new handle, new silo doors, new adjuster knob, the pitting, is right down into the brass, and even after a few wet sandings, you can still feel it with your finger nail. As both springs are good,and the riser bar, blade adjuster plate, adjuster collet, and the little plate to crimp it all back together are fine, I will keep the bad bits for plating experimentation, and the good bits for parts!. I am VERY appreciative of your offer though!.
Dr Terror, being the owner of two pristine 'Fatboy' razors it is my personal belief that while they are indeed a landmark razor, they are last on the list for the best shave from an adjustable. The 'Slim' is a far more manageable razor with its more 'svelte' head. To go but yet another step further, the Super Adjustable '109' is IMO the ne plus ultra of all the Gillette adjustables.

Of course, my opinion and some change will get you a cup of cheap coffee. I am however glad that you will have a better representative specimen.
I am of the same mind, I personally have never got a 'really' good shave from a 'FatBoy', but as they are iconic razors, that's the one I went for!.
I managed to get 2 nice examples for £25 each, mainly because I am a man of my word,as far as giving one away is concerned, and secondly the other one is a 58', which I don't have!.
So,after all is said and done, I just had pull something out of the bag,for the Xmas raffle!, and fingers crossed, I might well have done it!.
I also have a few other DE's that need a bit more than a bit of Peek, so nothing is lost regardless.... [emoji1]
^ Ah, didn't realise that the 'Mark X' designation system was a limey thing. What's the equivalent elsewhere? There's only so many combinations of 'new' and 'improved'