Making videos with special effects

[size=medium] For a little while i've been making videos of my Border Collie Ozzie as hes been growing, using WM, there ok but could be lots better if they had some nice effects, patterns etc..would like to make all the videos into 1 special one if possible, does anyone know of a good program to use for this?
oh thanks i'll have a look at that, hope its not to complicated.. wonder if music can be added to Sony vegas, looks interesting
Sony Vegas looks good but way to complicated for me to use and so expensive.. are there any easy programs like WM but with a few more options?
No ipad, iphone or PC just a laptop.. have recently found Coral it looks relatively easy, going to have ago otherwise i might just try to chop all the best bits out onto 1 windows media video.

Youtube keep telling me my videos are shaky - how rude!!! LOL :-D i used their offer to make one stop shaking, it actually seemed to make it worse... anyone know how to stop vids shaking while your walking along recording?
Thanks for finding this Magnus, it looks like a good piece of kit, if its not to heavy to carry up & down the fells, i'll have to see if its compatible with the camera.