Major achievement!

Gentlemen I have to announce a major achievement!

I have today finished the 1st shaving product that I bought after starting DE shaving, That of course excludes blades and samples.

I have finished my Blue Stratos aftershave, OK it was only 30ml but this will be the 1st replacement as opposed to an I fancy trying that purchase.
This is so true, I think I've only finished two or three things. Some have been PIF'd while my Palmolive bowl has been topped-up to once already. Every so often I make a decision to just use one product so that I can actually use it up. Then I get bored or distracted by others and give up on that. :roll:
How long did that take then? :lol:

Since July 2008 I've finished:

1 Mitchell's Wool Fat
1 Palmolive stick
1 Palmolive cream
1 Proraso Soap
1 Proraso Pre/Post
1 Real Shaving Co Shave² Cream
1 Tabac Soap
1 TOBS lime
1 Wilkinson Sword shave stick
100g of P.160 duro
100g of P.160 morbido
100g of Vitos

Actually I feel a lot better about my soap stash having typed that out

Hrumph! Thought you Jockanese were supposed to be thrifty! How close do you live to Edinburgh again?
Milestone passed.

Since January 2010 I've finished.

1 tube of Proraso
1 bottle of Proraso AS
1 bottle of Aqua Velva AS

and several styptic pencils.

Can't see anything getting added to the list any time soon, apart from a few more styptics if I keep on with the straight.

1 Tabac stick
1 AoS SW soap
1 pot of Vulfix Persian Musk Cream
2 DRH Sandalwood AS
Assorted witch hazels.

too much half used stuff.