Maggie Thatcher Passes Away.

RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

flip-68 said:
oh happy day.................

i grew up with the idea that the govt was for the people

she used the tools of state to repress ordinary workers and sold the family silver to her friends.

no loss

We are simpatico
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

antdad said:
Not meaning to turn this into a political thread at all...


Bump...just for you Rob.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Coming from mining stock I can safely say that she won't be mourned, certainly not in my neck of the woods. In 1984-85 My Father, Brother and myself were on strike due to the radical proposed pit closures. The pits are all gone now. She called in a certain Mr. MacGregor (American) to deliver the killer blow.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Get your opinions in before the thread gets locked.
Next week: gay marriage
Next month: were the Nazis really all bad?
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

hearing she died has cheered me up today and i see no reason to feel guilty over that. im from the north east and the horrible cow destroyed communities up in this neck of the woods, my family are mining stock and the pit villages around me still havent recovered from what thatcher inflicted on the people of the north. she knew what she was doing and had no qualms about destroying peoples lives, i remeber the miners strike when she sent police from the capital to crack open peoples heads in the colliery villages. theres plenty of people in the north east raising a glass to the grim reaper tonight.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

I don't come from a mining, steel or shipbuilding background but let me tell you about a little village not too far away called Longbridge which employed 20,000 people in the 1970's. These people who worked there thought it was only right that they should earn more money than other industries because that's how things were and that's how they needed to stay. One day they realised that their crappy cars and outmoded ways of working were making their product too expensive and nobody was buying so that now there ain't nobody employed at Longbridge. Now I didn't hear too many voices saying that Longbridge must be saved by continuing to pour in vast amounts of taxpayer's money. Do I need to continue the analogy?
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Politics does divide opinion doesn't it? Whoever was in power in the 1980s would have been detested by many still.

Must get back to the football now. Really serious stuff.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Fido said:
Politics does divide opinion doesn't it? Whoever was in power in the 1980s would have been detested by many still.

I think you're exactly right Peter. There's a great similarity with the position Britain was in with the IMF at that time to the likes of Greece and Spain with the European Bank now. The fact is, Jim Callaghan's government no longer had any power or control over the unions and were constantly caving in to wage demands that were outside the Social Compact by declaring 'special case' status. In the run up to the 1979 election his cabinet advisers told him what was necessary in terms of curbing union power if they were to stand any chance of winning the election. After long deliberation and despite the cabinet's wishes he refused to put the promises for reform into the manifesto - knowing that this almost certainly meant losing the election.

What happened subsequently, was at the behest of the IMF, with a mandate from the electorate and handed to Thatcher on a plate by Labour. A poisoned chalice if ever there was one.