Maggie Thatcher Passes Away.

Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

I grew up in a mining village with a steel mill and ship yard as the alternatives to mining. When the strikes kicked off I was 13.

Needless to say my dad and the guys who subsequently landed on the scrap heap with him will not loose much sleep, but because of it my dad put me on a different path to the traditional routes to jobs in our area and I am doing well.

I had to move away for work and while I am settled and very happy I do wonder how different (not better or worse) my life might have been without those events.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Burgundy said:
If you can't say anything nice... and all that. I don't think a state funeral, if it's been touted, is appropriate.

Agree about the state funeral. Utterly inappropriate. I'd have thought even many of her fans would agree with that. And an insult to those whose lives she and the government she led damaged and destroyed.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

From the Guardian website...

"It has been announced that the former prime minister will have a ceremonial funeral with military honours, not a state funeral. State funerals are usually reserved for monarchs although there have been a few notable exceptions, such as Winston Churchill."

I also agree that a state funeral would be inappropriate.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

I'd've thought most folks would acknowledge union excesses and incompetent British management (funny how that's still around in spades) needed addressing. Unfortunately for the majority of us in this country, especially the millions in the (largely now post-) industrial heartlands, the brutal and destructive manner in which Thatcher went about dealing with these problems set us on course for our present predicament. If that's your idea of back on track then your compass differs from mine.

The difference is pretty semantic though, as Peter Oborne, of the Telegraph and Mail and a Thatcher supporter, has said today. It will have much of the paraphernalia of a state funeral and will be seen as such by most.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

unfortunately to all you spouting good things...i had a horrific year trying to save my family a future...and through this waste of space my career ended abruptly....and she ruined the country as far as coal fired power was concerned

i know what and who she is and yes i bear the family ill feelings

and do i give a shite what you i frig
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

She did what she had to do to get us out of the mess we were in at the time...A similar inherited financial mess to the one we're in at the moment....It took a lot of guts to take the decisions she had to take..but she pulled the country out of the red.

R.I.P. Maggie....... You'll rank as one of the Great world leaders in my book
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

She was prime minister through to 1990 which included a period of growth and prosperity after the dark days of the 70s. How can you say that she set us on course for the present predicament? There has been 22 years for other political leaders to have a go at that.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

I think the problem here is that her leadership marked a period of seismic upheaval. For those who were either relatively unaffected, or who benefited from those changes, she was the best thing since you know what. Sadly, there were many people whose lives were turned upside down in that era, and it seems a touch "I'm alright Jack" to disregard those experiences or to hint that they don't matter, which is an attitude which seems to be bubbling away beneath the surface of a couple of the posts so far.

Having said that, some opinions are too harsh in the sense that they are still motivated by hatred all these years later. I think, oddly enough, my attitude towards her has mellowed since my grandmother developed dementia - it's a horrible disease and one I wouldn't wish on anybody short, perhaps, of the worlds' most evil tyrants.

WRT the discussion on the Unions holding the country to ransom during the 1970s, there can be no doubt that something had to be done. However, consider this for a moment - one of the largest private-sector unions in the country advising members whose employer told them that he wasn't going to provide contracts of employment that, despite the fact that this was illegal, there was no chance they could do anything about it legally. Why? Well, in order to take the employer to tribunal, you have to first resign from your job - if you don't, you're agreeing that they can break the law. If you do resign, and take them to tribunal, the unions legal experts advised that you'll lose the case as, by resigning, you are no longer an employee and therefore cannot take your ex-employer to tribunal. Heads you win, tails I lose. Fair? If you view anyone below managerial level as leftist scum, yes.

Final thought - Thatcher infamously stated that there was no such thing as society. I'd argue that we disprove that every single day on TSR - if we didn't have the attributes of this supposedly non-existent construct, why would we welcome and help new members? Surely the Thatcherite philosophy WRT our forum would be "sink or swim - don't expect any help from me, and as for PIFs? That's a handout! Forget it!"
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Very easily. Any open eyed analysis would identify her government laid much of the foundations. Nigel Lawson's financial Big Bang, council house sell-offs *cough giveaways*, willfully destroying key industries and neglecting manufacturing...ring any bells? I agree with you that successive feckless governments of both colours have compounded the consequences. We had an industrial heritage to rival Germany's and through feckless and kleptocratic government and mismanagement have pissed it away. Won the war, lost the peace.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Someone has started an epetition for the following:

Thatcher state funeral to be privatised

Responsible department: Cabinet Office

In keeping with the great lady's legacy, Margaret Thatcher's state funeral should be funded and managed by the private sector to offer the best value and choice for end users and other stakeholders.

The undersigned believe that the legacy of the former PM deserves nothing less and that offering this unique opportunity is an ideal way to cut government expense and further prove the merits of liberalised economics Baroness Thatcher spearheaded.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Another thread I won't be contributing to.

I predict another couple of posts and you'll have all wrecked it.

RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

oh happy day.................

i grew up with the idea that the govt was for the people

she used the tools of state to repress ordinary workers and sold the family silver to her friends.

no loss