Mühle R41 - Ow!


Thursday February 18, 2010
Well this morning was my 2nd day shaving with my new R41 plus Lord Extra blade and Ow. Not as bad as yesterday (less red marks on my neck), but still i felt like i had been shaved by a pissed gorilla.

I have read that angle is even more important than usual with this particular razor and so paid close attention to it. If i can't get this to improve, i may be looking to sell!

Anyone else got this razor? How do you fare with it? What do you find is the key to success?

Cheers all.
I have an R41,but haven't used it in quite a while now...I did have problems at first, my very first shave with it ,though close left me feeling as though my face had been sandpapered...very rough sandpaper at that!!!...
Eventually I did get the hang of it and it will give you silky smooth, very close shaves when you get everything right. I found it to be blade sensitive and For me it worked very well with the smooth and not too sharp Astra SP's..

Codfish over on B&B gave me great advice for using this razor..(Thanks Codfish).....He said to start by putting the razor head on the face, with the handle sticking out at right angles..Then lower the handle until you can see the blade cutting edge(in the mirror) just beginning to touch your face...this is about the right shaving angle,give or take a degree or two...use almost zero pressure,and away you go..

It took me a couple of shaves using this technique, then one morning everything came together and....WONDERFUL...So smooth and silky I wondered if the blade was cutting at all...It was... and from then on gave me the best and smoothest shaves I've ever had....Apart from my top lip...I never did get the angle comfortable for that, my nose was in the way....

It just doesn't get used much now, It needs a lot of concentration...And Razor AD kicked in and..Well, off we went on another tangent...Great razor though, when you get everything right.......Think its overdue for another outing.
Go slowly. Pay extra attention to the angle of the razor/blade (it'll be a bit different from whatever else you have been using) and also use a light touch.

I have also found some mild skin stretching to be useful.

I can shave at any angle but it requires three things - attention!! lightness of touch!! lightness of contact if you use a steeper angle than Goldcrest describes!! good lather!! OK - it requires four things ......

IanM said:
I have also found some mild skin stretching to be useful.


Yes indeed! the R41 is the nearest a DE comes to straight shaving - unless you count a Cobra as a DE (or any other SE for all I know!) Stop digging.
I think I'm the only one who uses less aggressive DEs at a very shallow angle - almost every shaving video I've ever seen shows the shaver holding the razor so that the blade is contacting at a much steeper angle. I doubt I'd get on with an R41, though - my skin is rather sensitive, and I don't need anything more aggressive than my current razors.
I use mine exactly like Goldcrest says. You still have to be careful, and I couldn't use it everyday but it does deliver a really fantastic shave when you get it right.
Thanks all. I'll give it a few more tries before i decide whether it is a keeper or a goner!

(To be honest this morning was day two and the irritation was much much less than yesterday, it just didn't feel particularly comfortable).

Thanks all. I'll give it a few more tries before i decide whether it is a keeper or a goner!

(To be honest this morning was day two and the irritation was much much less than yesterday, it just didn't feel particularly comfortable).
Tony, It'll take a few shaves to adjust.

I bought one, sold it, then bought another for a mate who didn't like it. Second time around was much better, so I kept it!

I have one, and I'd agree with everything said so far.
It can be a bit scary until you get used to it, (it can leave you a little raw and it can feel harsh) but DO try to get used to it as it's worth that bit of effort. Give yourself a few days off as it is a razor best used fairly sparingly.

I shaved first time with mine and felt raw, then I left it over a week. Second shave, once I'd plucked up courage, was marginally better. It only got really good on about the 4th or 5th shave which was over a month after I'd first tried it.

It really demands a precise, shallow angle and it will punish bad technique and heavy pressure. But if your technique is good, it will reward it with a really smooth (yes, silky) shave.

Keep going sir, you will see the point of it in a few shaves time, practice and technique is everything with this razor. Everything else will seem to feel very benign afterwards and you'll have a very laissez faire attitude to even a slant.
Sounds like you'd use it in exactly the same way as the majority of S.E's except they were designed to be used in such a manner?
antdad said:
Sounds like you'd use it in exactly the same way as the majority of S.E's except they were designed to be used in such a manner?
Tried it and never been more pleased to get rid of it.It probably takes the biscuit for the most passed on / sold razor shaving forums have seen in a long while.
I have heard shaving with the R41 is like the new American SS razor, the Tradere. I've had four lousy shaves with the Tradere. With both, you use a low angle and I've tried but can't get a comfortable shave. I am giving it a week off and trying again. I could shave with any SE first time I tried at the low angle, but not with a Tradere and suspect I wouldn't get along with the Muhle R41 either. I think a straight would be an easier, more forgiving shave.
I understand your feelings about the pissed gorilla.
It took me more than two months to find the "right touch" with this beast, but now I would not change this razor with any other.
So do not give up!
You will be rewarded with the closest shave that a de razor can give you. I use it with a permasharp blade that is mild enough and I think this is until now the perfect combo. I really love this razor.
Like goldcrest i find the astra sp's work the best, just take your time have good prep and more importantly use the lightest of touch.

A slant this is not, i can fly any other razor around no problem, but this one will bite if you're not used to such a razor.

But now im dialled in and love it to bits.
Right before I got into the R41 I was heavy into the different SE razors 1912's on up. Found that the way I shaved with the SE trained me for the R41.
I also had the 'old model' R41 and was use to the handle.
Good luck.