Lost in the post-advice required!

I was an Xmas relief at a large sorting shed. Some of those horse-shoes were so big we had to throw over-hand. The Australia bag was always good for reducing the returns count - we were told not to do it but that it had that effect. Accuracy was not the objective, clearing the floor was what it was all about. And then came the magazines ...
That's easily explained. Somewhere in the sorting chain, you parcel was aimed at the right bag but mis-thrown. Not all parcels find the right target from five to ten meters.
I was a postie for twelve years ......... You just described standard primary sortation policy, Carl

It's when either a bag isn't properly hung or has been carried off but not replaced that you're in trouble. Packet misses, falls through the gap where the said bag should be and falls to the floor. The bag is then replaced and the packets lies under the drop fitting for God knows how long
I was Parcel Farce, indoor ops, NWRSC .......... Letters got all the fancy stuff like trolleys with suspension

We had something called 'Mates' ........ Which was something akin to ...... and as heavy as ..... a small railway carriage with handles to pull them by. We'd pull them four at a time with a little electric dolly cart once they were full .......... and we used to arrange them in a square primary, all the posties in the middle at the bottom of a mail chute and sorting the parcels into them as they came down off the platform. It was actually quite impressive ......... We were experts at 'Aerial Sortation' ....... and there could be as many as twenty or so parcels airborne at any one time.

Of course ........ That's just anecdotal speculation .......... Royal Mail wouldn't dream of treating somebodys parcel like that in actuality ......

I left when they closed down our sorting centre ....... The rest of the lads buggered off to letter, or transferred up to Warrington Rail Head ........ where they're happily providing the same great and conscientious service for their customers
My last delivery from the US sat for a grand total of 10 days at Heathrow. No requirement for HMRC to be interested in it from both VAT and contraband perspectives, so I can only assume it just waited around for a while. Getting over jet lag maybe?
Alts - yup! Never cleaned for years, if ever. I remember seeming acres of them, all deep laden with Xmas parcels - so many there was a grave shortage for their real purpose.
No requirement for HMRC to be interested in it from both VAT and contraband perspectives

Although HMRC don't necessarily know that until they've took a look to see if they should have any interest

Alts - yup! Never cleaned for years, if ever. I remember seeming acres of them, all deep laden with Xmas parcels - so many there was a grave shortage for their real purpose.

Bumper Cars?
By contrast, my Hone razor was sent by PostNL from Holland, has remained, tracked and in constant motion, and should, I hope, arrive today.
PostNL have a 'Track parcel through network partner' link on their tracking page. That shows you who delivers it and gives more details. The pass around Hone razor came with Yodel.
Yodel are also the preferred UK partner for the Ebay Global Shipping Programme ......... They're bloody scary

Before I was promoted sideways into our print and design department, I was dispatch supervisor ......... and I've dealt with just about every shipping, haulage and courier firm that operates locally and nationally ......... And there are a few of them I told not to bother sending their reps around as I wouldn't trust risking our customers faith in our services to their abysmal approach to shipping........

Hermes ....... We just laughed at them when they came to visit ..........