Looking for modern guitar blues

It suddenly occurred to me! All the expertise here in TSR just might include modern guitar blues!

Most of what I can find is an excuse for a rock band - but I'm looking for albums of guitar picking blues - acoustic and electric.

Joe Banamassa does some good stuff but shifts to rock blues a lot. I'm looking for picking - not a drum in ear-shot - or maybe in the far distance.

Any suggestions? No - about guitar picking blues.
How modern are you talking? When I think blues and guitar I think BB King, Clapton, Hendrix, etc. Joe Perry has some bluesy licks too, but if you're talking 90's onwards John Mayer maybe?
Can't think of any picking only stuff but for modern-ish blues then the late Jeff Healey's first album 'See the Light' is knockout stuff. Fella was blind from the age of not a lot and played the geetar on his lap and even with his teeth! It gets pretty rock blues tbh but man, you still gotta check it out! Not exactly modern being the nineties but that's still pretty modern for me (I is gittin' old). Here's one of my favourites called 'Nice Problem to Have':


Not modern and very folksy too but the pickin' and slide on this almost whimsical piece is like a siren's call. Just stick it on loop and drift away:

Gairdner said:
Not modern and very folksy too but the pickin' and slide on this almost whimsical piece is like a siren's call. Just stick it on loop and drift away:


ill second the bert jansch recommendation. have you heard his 2006 abum, black swan, graeme? a very nice album.

You tube is your friend Bechet, just search fingerstyle blues and up will pop players known and unknown, amateur and world renouned of varying styles and quality. Make your choice of your favs and search them further. Hope you find some things to tickle your fancy.
Thank you, guys - spot on!! I have a busy day ahead.

Graeme - 1990 is definitely modern, seems like only yesterday, man.

YouTube, huh? I thought I was being ultra-modern last evening by compiling a playlist - now you speak YouTube!!
Hello Bechet,
just an afterthought but I stumbled across a label called Fat Possum some years ago and found some unbelievable stuff on there. Much of it [the blues that is, as they have other stuff on the label] is real home grown stuff from the likes of Charles Caldwell, Cedell Davis, Furry Lewis, Robert Pete Williams and Scott Dunbar to name a few. Check out the Red Licks record catalogue for some very interesting stuff. I hope this may be of some interest to you.
You might want to try some TuTu Jones. Hails from Dallas, Texas.



I have the Blue Texas Soul album but he has more than that one available.

