Looking for a restorer

After buying this razor on eBay then it turning up with a ding in the blade I got a refund. Then a month after returning it to the seller it turns back up on my door step with the recorded label ticked "not called for" so it turned out to be a freebie

Would love to try and save it so looking for someone to do a restoration job on the edge if possible.

Can anyone recommend someone, Strop shop states they aren't taking on any new restoration projects at the moment.

Looking at these latest pictures the damage appears to have gone too far up the blade - you would need to take so much metal off that it's probably no longer a viable shaver. Once you get past the problem area you then have to re-set the bevel by hand - it's not something that can be done quickly and you will also be looking at a razor that's been considerably refuced in size so it will look strange as well.
Yep that looks much worse than I though from the last thread. Someone's really screwed up that blade, no wonder they didn't bother picking it up!