London Visit

Good morning all,
I am off to London tomorrow for the weekend, I will admit its not my favourite place, particularly this time of year but my missus loves it and as one of our daughters now lives in Crystal Palace she feel she needs to go on a more regular basis.
My week end is basically one night with daughter in Crystal Palace and one night somewhere on the South Bank near Borough (wife books hotels I just turn up and pay !!!). My question is, can someone recommend to me some really good real ale pubs in both area's. If I am going to be visiting regularly I will need some quality watering holes!!
Thanking you all in anticipation.

I would recommend the old jerusalem pub (Farringdon)
Or closer, the Royal oak

Fantastic Ales in both.

Other than that next year come during August for the great british beer festival, over 200 ales.
I would recommend the old jerusalem pub (Farringdon)
Or closer, the Royal oak

Fantastic Ales in both.

Other than that next year come during August for the great british beer festival, over 200 ales.

Thanks Avnish,
The Royal Oak being where??
I will endeavour to get to them and try them out.
As for the Beer Festival we are already booked in for a visit next year with friends, missed it this year due to a cock up with the social secretary!!!!!

Thanks Sean your a star, that should be enough, with Avnish's suggestions and a few that I already know about to keep me occupied and well watered.
Brewdog produce some great ales, Sainsburys has their punk IPA 5.6% (having it now) currently, lovely ale. Been to the Brewdog pub in London a few times, haven't had the 15%
The Blythe Hill Tavern Forest Hill way is kind of between the two areas and is a cracking pub. In the Bermondsey area another Sam Smiths pub is the Angel great views on the river.