London 2012

Zoe Smith - New British record, at 18 yrs old. WoW!
I hope her parents were there, she lives in Greenwich I think.
Shame many parents missed their childrens events, Ticketmaster $%^ked up. Some coaches have complained that parents that have traveled from around the world are desperately contacting their kids just before events, causing disruption and stress. One couple watched all the empty seats on the bigscreen, outside their daughters event, even though they were entitled to get their tickets! -- Remember all the fuss about Becky Addlingtons parents in Beijing?
The scheme to give seats to local kids and teachers WAS ALREADY in place and used, 1,200 apparently, and soldiers taken off shifts as "seat-fillers! Still all the empties!
A shame the arrogant LOCOG sent out so many press releases without any basis in fact. Thank goodness Romney is such an embarrassment, or the Americans would be slaughtering us.
Come on Tom D, Pete W and you gymnasts.

Joke. Rogge uses the tube! Honest! Apparently Londoners don't find that one funny.

Ahhhh that was a shame, cant believe that was upheld at the UK Olympics! Well done fellas you did us proud!

Zoe Smith....I could hug you but you would crush me! Fantastic

Damn those divers, I blame it on the media...
China, breathtaking diving.

After a hard day at work it's time to catch up on all the rest....later!
I'm coming late to this thread.
As regards Macca's appearance - I too am no great fan, but on thinking about it decided that more people from more countries in the world could probably sing along to the lyrics...Na, na, na, na, na, na...
Totally agree that whoever designed the most unflattering outfits ever thrown together for team GB should be shot; although they were probably preferable to the strangely (and most unfortunately) military themed outfits of team USA. Although it has to be said that the GB outfits do showcase what can be done with clothes; the outfits actually made top athletes look overweight as well as tasteless. I'm still looking for the outfit that can do the opposite.:icon_rolleyes:
I watched the men's gymnastics today, and totally agreed with the final result; but most unfortunate that GB was disappointed in moving from a silver to a bronze, and I felt really sorry for poor Ukraine who went from several minutes of thinking they had won a medal to none at all. Still, I suppose they can tell their grandchildren they were Olympic medal winners for 5 minutes - and more chances still to come. I will be glued to the telly tomorrow 4.00 - 6.00 when I believe the women's team event is on.
Fido, how many hours a day are you not watching telly at the moment? Or should that be 'how many minutes'?
Great to see Zoe lift so well - far and away the most promising lifter in the country, and for quite a few years at that. Totally unspoiled by it in person, and a genuine prospect for the future.

I just hope they let her go to her natural class at 63kg - especially after the 58s being so stacked this time out! 18-year-olds shouldn't be having to diet hard to make weight IMO.

Good question.

I'm not sitting in front of the TV for long periods - just key moments. After a lifetime of following sport I have developed the knack of being around when it matters. And I'm also a realist. There's no such thing as certainty in sport. Look at what happened in the men's gymnastics and diving. One tiny mistake and that's it. And Ben Ainslie's in trouble - who would have predicted that?

I cannot imagine what parents and loved ones of the athletes go through. I get so tense and nervous when following someone I want to win that I don't really enjoy watching. I therefore often avoid watching whole races - just the closing stages, like the races in the Finn Class. I'd wear myself out if I watched the lot!

So I'm pacing myself to make sure I'm fit for my big day on 11 August.
soapalchemist said:
I'm impressed by your self restraint Fido.
I'll definitely be watching Analise Murphy in her little boat if I can work out when she's next on.

Click on race no.
antdad said:
Don't you want those medals to be chocolate covered? No? Just me then.

Shalom, non Chosen One,

This link may be what you want. Available in both gold and silver. No bronze, since I believe that metal isn't kosher. Oy vey....who knew!

Indirectly related, am at Covent Garden and been up here since half nine, its like a ghost town. Was down in Greenwich yesterday and like what has been on the news the shops and market are suffering badly.

We got any golds yet, come on Wiggo.