London 2012

Don't bother with the Jubilee line to Stratford! I'd recommend getting yourself on to the Central line from the West End and then grabbing a couple of beers afterwards before attempting the Jubilee line back

Inside knowledge you see
I know some will knock the flame relay for the cost etc. But I must say it was brilliant here in Bideford, there were masses of people out, all the school kids were there and the atmosphere was great. It adds to the whole occasion and the build up to the games.
Here at last.

It may or not have been the best, but I enjoyed last night's opening ceremony more than any I've seen - and that includes every once since 1952.

First day and I'm off to my brother's 80th birthday party. That's my only commitment for the next two weeks.

First big moment - the cycling men's road race - I hope my ticker holds out - mustn't get too excited.
Did anyone keep the receipt for the cost of the opening ceremony?

They should try to get a refund.

Doubt anyone would take it back in that state though.

Need to get new telly today. Threw my remote at mine in outrage. Paul bloody McCartney!!!!!!
I didn't see the lighting of the flame and don't know what Paul bloody McCartney has done to upset you, but I actually thought we put on quite a show. I'm quite proud of it. Even if the only nod to Scotland, Wales and NI was some singing right at the start.
I might be peeved if I lived in London, as the council tax payers there footed most of the bill I believe. I don't think it's cost us non Londoners very much at all.
I watched the opening ceremony last night. I was expecting something exciting and special but to do that you have to spend silly money like China did.

So I'm sat there thinking what the hell is this it seemed too quiet too calm and then I got it!!

It's Britain!!! Not China, Not Hollywood or anywhere else in the world.

We don't like to shout about things, but we have so much talent in this Country it's embarrassing just to start off music how many musicians do we have that are known globally I would not know where to start,or how many of the olympic sports were invented in Britain, What about the World Wide Web!!!!!

The things we have created in this country have touched the lives of everyone on the planet not bad for a small Island.

The problem is how do you explain all that and make it in to a show. A lot of work went into the opening ceremony so don't nock it.

The big question is did the rest of the world get the humor Bean no problem. The Queen jumping out of a helicopter???

I enjoyed it
To me it was like when your 8 year old daughter comes to you with a painting from school and you pretend it is great by gushing 'darling, that's wonderful' ... when the kindest thing to do is say 'no! call that a horse? do it again, do it properly!'

Ah well. As long as everyone was left with a huge warm feeling in their tummies, then bugger the cost.

Back under your bridge Vincent, you naughty boy.
I thought the opening ceremony was really good, very well thought out and put together. Personally I thought it was one of the best I have seen, it told a story rather than just being flashy, colourful and noisy. it was a good reminder of what this tiny little island has created and given to the world.

I am looking forward to the games themselves as well and think it is fantastic that they have come to London. I have only one criticism, you guys south of the border get all the good stuff while us lot up here get the crappy football, which in my opinion shouldn't even be in the olympics (along with beach volleyball and numerous others)

I'm usually a little cynical when it comes to these sort of things but have to say last nights ceremony was amazing. Very well done, apart from perhaps the weird NHS propaganda stuff!