L'Occitane Cade with bowl

So today, I took advantage of it being a bank holiday at work and not in Scotland to nip up to Edinburgh for a few odds and ends (including my birthday present for the beginning of October from SWMBO) - I trotted into the L'Occitane en Provence "boutique" for a Cade bowl & soap - spotted the bowls very quickly with a £17.75 price tag on - got very excited that it might be a bargain.... sadly they've changed their packaging routine and rather than carry a bowl & soap and the refill soap, they now carry empty bowls and refills.

Oh well - happy birthday to me (in a little over a month lol)
This was my first soap ever Loved it, very easy to lather,great smell and good protection.Sometimes it is a little drying.The bowl is very smart as well quite art deco
The wife got me into this years ago; quality stuff, lasts for ages. The soap trumps the cream easily. I've had several refills but still have the original bowl - you gotta have the bowl. The ASB is crackin' too; L'Occitane was very much my signature scent (crap poncey term) for years until I started dabbling in the other fine products that I've been introduced to since I embraced DE shaving.

I wouldn't be without it.
A vastly underrated soap.

Way better than Tabac - better lather, better scent. And... no Tallow! I'm a Tallow sceptic.

Wasn't man enough to buy the bowl - instead I chucked my C&E Sandalwood (awful) and it houses the Cade perfectly!
I went into Glasgow yesterday and had a touch and sniff session at the L'Occitane shop. It is my birthday next week and Mrs Audiolab was going to buy me the complete set, i.e. soap, balm and a/s. Cunningly I had not applied a/s yesterday in anticipation of the visit, so I used some while I was there and wandered around the city for an hour or two looking at other stuff, planning to buy it on the way back to the car.

Having left it for a couple of hours I found the biggest disappointment was the scent did not seem to last long on me, when I could smell it I felt it was too deep and woody. I really wanted to like this range and was sure that I would from the descriptions I have read, alas in the end I did not make the purchase.

Don't get me wrong I did not find the scent repulsive, I just wondered if it is one of those scents that grow on you?
Oh, i forgot too mention......When was using cade on a regular basis the bowl used to take pride & place at the side of the sink.........Anyway, i got sent on a business trip that ended up being a month. When i came back & went to shave with cade i was shocked upon opening the bowl that the lid inside was covered in what i can only describe as calcified mould. I had to give the bowl a good going over with a brillo pad to shift the stuff. The soap was all goopy too & i binned it. Upon investigation it turns out my youngest & her friend were playing in the bathroom & thought the bowl should be filled up with water to try & make the bubbles that Dad does.... :lol:

Keep it dry, especially if you are going to leave it for a long time.