
Perhaps someone will find a link between HGH, EPO, testosterone & testicular cancer and put his charitable status to bed.
I was quite shocked at the extent of it if I am honest. I really thought they had cleaned most of the sport up, now the stories are emerging that even the UCI was paid off. It shouldn't surprise me really but it did, I was naive, Millar for UCI president.
As I mentioned while the last race was being held. I've stopped watching the sport just for this reason. Next we'll find that the officials will be going back and checking all racers for the last 10 years and disqualify all of them!
If the Science available at the time of the race says they were Clean, let it be!
antdad said:
Perhaps someone will find a link between HGH, EPO, testosterone & testicular cancer and put his charitable status to bed.

I believe there is a statistical link between performance enhancing drugs and cancer. I read Armstrong's book, and did become suspicious that perhaps he doped before he got cancer, but really can't believe he'd be stupid enough to carry on afterwards.

On the plus side, the banning of vitamin injections during racing, and the general drive to tighten things up, should improve things going forwards.

Until Wiggo's win this year, I must admit that I have not followed racing for years because the doping is/was making a mockery of the sport.

Having said all that, the grand tours are the greatest sporting challenge in the world full stop. They are the equivalent of running two marathons every day for three weeks! Also, it has to be said that the history of the grand tours is riddled with drug taking, initially, I'm sure, just to ease the pain. They used to rub cocaine into their gums as they were riding along in the early 1900's to the 30's, and then post war, it was amphetamines etc.

I often comment to my non cycling friends that the miracle to me is that some of them do it without drugs......
Perhaps, I'm not sure the link is anything but anecdotal though, if he doped before his diagnosis unless he had his nads completely removed surely there'd be a recurrence? I read "It's not about the bike" but can't remember whether they left him with a complete set, one plum or an empty basket.
He has stepped down from the Livestrong chair, Nike have dropped him and Oakley are considering the options. He is done bang to rights. I am sure he knew the details before the announcement which is why he came out with the 'I am tired of all this nonsense and will fight it no more' or words to that effect. I did often wonder why they were hounding him so much after all the clean tests he had.
I am currently reading "The Secret Race" it's a riveting read about Lance Armstrong and the doping that was going on during his Tour De France victories.

It's well worth a read, a real eye opener!
Waiting for Walsh's L.A. Condidentiel to arrive.

Cav joining a team called "Omega Pharma-Quick" what PR genius thought of that?
It should be a good move leaving Sky but I was happy he helped with Wiggins' victory.
PMSL I am now getting EPO training supplement adverts from Google at the top of this thread.
Cav, Millar, Wiggo, Stannard etc are good reasons to enjoy the future of cycling. This could have been a wonderful oportunity to 'equalise' M/F racing, but the UCI top brASSES care more about themselves it seems.
Banning "finishing" bottles would be a good step BUT a neutral Doctor should be able to prescribe in future so that riders can stay in the race.
It is a real shame that no amnesty is available - and Rabobank, Sky etc are caught in a bad place making (for me ) the wrong decisions.

It would appear to be true that the England footballers regularly take pre-match 'pick-me-ups', which caused problems when the match was delayed by 20 hours. How "pumped up" have they been when going out on the town and being involved in "incidents"?

+1 on Millar for UCI.
Apparently my paternal Grandad used to work for Raleigh and was part of Reg Harris' repairs team. Drugs have ALWAYS been a part of cycling so I wouldn't rule out any of the GB 'heroes' being busted very soon.

I think they should do away with drug test, let them take whatever they want. Lets see just how much faster, stronger, higher they really can get.

In my younger days I was taking a load of steroids and never felt the need to smash stuff up and I still have my standard-issue nads. I would never put any of my kids off taking them as long as they went into it with their eyes wide open - taking the necessary precautions.