Le Tour

Not sure I agree Tony:

antdad said:
It might be a well paid spectacle but it's grim way to make a living. Suffering on a bike for six hours a day and then it might just be for the benefit of others, sod that.

There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.

Seeing Tony Martin burying himself on the front to setup Mark Renshaw (who given that it's not his primary role has zero chance against the pure sprinters) would be my definition of humility. What other sport could offer that reward?
England out of the world cup early, followed by Andy Murray. Cav and now Froome. Not a good couple of weeks.

Still, I might have been a Brazilian.

Le Tour now looks very interesting still.
Fido said:
England out of the world cup early, followed by Andy Murray. Cav and now Froome. Not a good couple of weeks.

Still, I might have been a Brazilian.

Le Tour now looks very interesting still.

That's why we're renown for the " stiff upper lip "! :icon_razz:
I predicted Nibali to win before the Tour started and he certainly looked the part today, he looked great when he went on that climb today. Whether he can recover and continue, we will see

Contador, he didn't in my eyes look any better than he did last year, certainly a brilliant rider but just lacking that oomph that is needed when the likes of Nibali or Froome take off on a big climb. Anyway, that's inconsequential now.

Poor old Tony Martin, what a great ride he had yesterday. But when he blew today I thought he was going to have to get off and walk! Well done Tony

So who is going to challenge Nibali now? Richie Port, nahhh the Sky team has imploded
Valverdi, not sure about him.
Tejay van Garderen, if he can stop falling off he might have a chance. I like Tejay

Loving it!
Watching out here in Bilbao. Where did all the great Basque riders go?
I really wanted to see Nibali up against Froome or Wiggins in a tour, I think he would have gave them a run for their money Sky team or no Sky team.
I hope he's doing it clean?
Fido said:
So sad you even need to think it.

That's what ruined it for my Dad (a cycling fanatic for 65 years so far).

He still watches it though.

Mind you, I still follow athletics and that thought crosses my mind constantly too. Very sad, as you say.
@jaycey - I think the majority of Basque riders used to ride for Euskatel Euskadi, which folded a few years ago. This team prided itself on the representation of the Basque region and it's a shame not to see their garish orange outfits blitzing better funded teams on the climbs. Rumours were that Fernando Alonso was going to inject the much needed capital into the team or its successor but I don't know what became of it. I used to love all the riders completely unpronounceable and un-spellable names: Taxin Charoocar = Amets Txurruka!
Coincidentally, yesterday we passed an old chap on his bike sporting the old orange & white euskatel euskadi kit. What I did notice was the absence of riders out here yesterday. 2 or 3 years ago we would have passed at least 3-4 large groups of riders rolling through the hills on a Sunday, just the odd solo rider yesterday?

My highlight of the tour so far was Tony Martins stage win, well deserved.