Lather Shots

Just no way I was going to use the C&E. A bit of glycerine usually helps but what's the point?
It's funny too how tastes change. This used to be my favourite scent but it doesn't even come close now. I reckon that will change again at the start of next month with Obsidian and Spitfire. There are just too many better homespun soaps.
Serious about the lather, I've never had better. Again, took four or five minutes with it.
A TOBS Avocado cloud, courtesy of the Shavemac Raptor 26/52 DO1 3 Band Bulb.

I took your advice on the water content Nishy. I lifted the brush out of the water, let it drain and gave it a little gentle one inch shake, careful not to remove too much, probably two tablespoons left in it. It holds a serious amount of water. I put a small almond of the cream in the bowl and lathered for five or six minutes. I'll definitely dial it down the next time though, probably made enough for 37 passes! Wonderful stuff though, quite different to the others TOBS. Really cushioning and the post shave feel is outstanding.

That bowl could be passed around TSR for everyone to have a shave today liking the lather Gordy, one suggestion although you are now getting better volume in your lather, try and get the soap:water mix spot on, the lather will be shiny as opposed to matt. Something akin to a hard boiled sweet with sheen. Now mind you some like a drier lather but the above is my preference.

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