Latest restore

Cambs UK
started with this

de-pinned and a clean up all round on this one

This photo is prior to re-honing!
Just got this one back from having it honed, sharpened.
Gave it a whirl not 20 minutes ago.

and WOW!

I thought Kropp razors were the dogs danglies (I still love them) but WOW

now i know i'm new to straight razor shaving and yes - i agree that, with every shave my technique is improving, but a great deal must be down to the blade. Many many thanks to the man who honed this for me!(not sure if you want the glory - so I'll refrain from mentioning your name until i hear otherwise)

This old EKS blade has just given me thee closest shave ever - 2 passes and i am smoother than a babies backside!
now bear in mind i was saying similar things about a shave i had with my DE not 3 weeks ago - but I am shocked and stunned at just how close a shave i just managed.

I love this straight shaving lark - just awesome!
This badboy is going to remain in my rotation for a long long time.

Just did a little digging regarding the origin of the blade -
found this on another shaving site
"EKS is a trademark of Ewald Kron, active between 1919 - 1922 at 32 Katternbergerstrasse, Solingen. Also used a crown bracketed between the words 'Gold Krone'. I've seen several, all have been good razors. "
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