Late Lamented Blades

Robert Otten said:
Postal truck will be here in our neck of the woods in about 15 minutes. She'll release the carrier pigeon and it should arrive in 6 days. Give the Personna 74 a go and I wouldn't be to quick to throw it away. Regards, Robert

Heh, you're gonna give that guy a new monkey to deal with! Yeah, that's a pretty fun blade in lots of razors. I have a few in my arsenal that are used sparingly.

Very nice little bit of enabling.......

Hey Martin you owe me an email. Yes indeed; I have one friend who has laminated his used P74 and used it as a bookmark. Whatever !!!!

I didn't get the same results with the P74 single edge. Only 11 shaves before I moved on. SE blades back then were advertised at 9 shaves per blade. I think I sent you some of those.

Real quick while I have you here, have you a need to sample DR Harris Windsor? You could smell like a Prince.

Well, I've just noticed that Tigers are no longer available at Connaught and a bit more research would suggest that they are out of production and have been since before I started DE shaving.

Like I said, modern blades are a patch on the blades they used to make!
