kettles and extream hard water

my tap is connected to a bore hole and to say the water is hard is an understatement.

even Vinnie Jones is not going to hang about in my kitchen in case the kettle starts a fight with him, ( memorial Les Dawson joke)

we have to descale the kettle every ten days and after a boil whats not used is thrown as its all most white with scale.

now all of that i can handle and the fact me tea tastes funnier then Les Dawsons funny bone its costing a bomb to descale the kettle, as we are looking at some form of acid based product

can use a table spoon of citric acid or do you suggest some thing else, after taste is a concern so i dont think vinegar is going to be a good idea.

what can you suggest as a cheap descaler
My parents have extremely hard water and eventually had to get a water softener as it was just eating kettles and dishwashers.

Out of curiosity, have you ever tried lathering Mitchell's Wool fat?
been there and done that one, is there not a jug filter thing i can buy
Your only option is Reverse Osmosis. I've tried several in-line filters that were supposed to tackle / filter limescale. In my experience they don't work very well at all and they're not that cheap. Brita jugs and that type are not worth it either.
RO is you're only option and it isn't cheap and it takes up 50% of your under-sink cupboard.

These are typical prices: Osmosis
I have stupidly hard water and similar kettle issues to you. It killed a brand new combi boiler in a few months by completely calcifying up the heat exchanger (I think)!

I got a water softener to stop appliances dying, but you are supposed to keep your kitchen tap pure for drinking and cooking. As such I didn't want to use softened water to drink so we just use the pure water but put through a Britta filer jug for the kettle. Different type of filter I guess?

Anyway, Britta filter works well but you will have to change the filter each month as you can instantly tell when it stops working!
If you intend to stay for the longer term a water softener seems like the best bet all round and as for tea - well 2 litre bottled water is next to nothing.
Our water is very hard and tastes like swimming pool water. A water softener solves the calcium problem for machines and boilers and irons BUT your kitchen cold tap and your garden tap need to be un-softened water. My way round the taste problem is supermarket bottled water. I buy slightly acidic ones - Scottish like Ashbeck - which keep my kettle sparkling and tea delightful.

A Brita filter helps take some hardness salts out of the water and most of the crap taste - OK for cooking.