Kent V16

Wonderful brush there Peter and the pedigree's fantastic, indeed! Congrats to a great start on your vintage brush collection

Thanks Martin

I'm a very disciplined collector these days. I'm pretty ruthless about selling off something when I buy another. It's why my bell collecting is so infrequent now. Something has to be more attractive than the one I'd have to sell to make room for it. I've created space for a few more brushes though. But they are going to have to be special!
My dear father left me his, I am still looking for a brush as soft! I do not know where this " Kobe Badger" lived but it is the best brush I have ever used. I hope to pass it on to one of my lucky sons someday!
I am not sure, I am 44 and my father was 32 years older than I. I knew he was in UK in 52/53. Then again in the 60s periodically. I suppose he picked it up in 52. It was his favorite treated it like a baby. Bad thing about its value is a scratch on Kent logo. I have used it since 95. Ill add a couple of pictures later today as its late now.
It works much better with creams, for soap I use a Trufitt and Hill. By the way who makes the Trufitt and Hill brush?
I m lucky My father left me his Sticky, and a Bakelite bowl he got in UK with the above brush!
ishmael said:
By the way who makes the Trufitt and Hill brush?

Isn't it Rooney?

They look like Rooney brushes.

I might be barking up the wrong kettle of fish, it has been known.
Fido said:
I'm weakening.

It's still unused.

But can I hang on.

It really is a tough call. Having a very rare NOS item like that is a double edge sword.

Well if you do end up getting that huge honker wet, I can't think of a better person to review it's performance. Heh, it's the not knowing that would drive me nuts. Man, there's no telling what that brush would end up looking like fully bloomed out.

Sorry I can't be more enabling in this case,

Not really. Funny how you can change your mind about the way you look at things. Since I bought it I've often picked it up and felt it. It is the most superb brush I have handled bar none. And that includes some serious opposition. It feels like no other. Nothing else comes close.

The fact is, it's a shaving brush. Looks like a work of art but that is not it's purpose. One thing's for sure. One day someone will not be able to resist using it. So it may as well be me.

On Monday, this old timer reaches three score years and ten.

I'm grinning already.

Happy birthday for Monday!