Keeping the A/S in the Fridge??

Hello Gents, I remember hearing or reading that A/S and Colognes would better be kept in the fridge. Is this a good idea? is it true or a myth? I can't remember where did I heard this but it was in my mind and wanted to know how true it is. I always keep them in a cupboard away from sunlight. Apologies if this has been mentioned before.
They are that full of alcohol I see no point whatsoever in fridge storage. Away from light and heat in a cupboard with lids firmly attached is more than sufficient. However if they are all-natural and have ingredients which could, in time, go rancid then maybe. Otherwise it sounds like a lot of old tripe to me.

Mind you, I have excellent night vision due to all the carrots I eat. :icon_rolleyes:
I'll have you know that I'm rather fond of a peeled raw carrot as a snack or with my lunch. I used to grow baby carrots in an old whiskey barrel using John Innes #2 compost and scatter sowed the seeds with handful of silver sand. Simply wash, top and oven roast with olive oil - braw! Homemade carrot and coriander soup is magic an' all.

I get my five a day alright - Cadburys, Ringtons, McVities, Mars & homemade cakes! :blush: :angel:

and curly hair?
Essentially, you're attempting to limit the amount of chemical reaction occurring; e.g. oxidisation. I wouldn't refrigerate, personally, unless both temperature and humidity were strictly regulated - at which point you're into the world of wine coolers rather than household kitchen fridges. Our fairly mild, constant climate in this country doesn't really justify the cost/hassle and - unless your collection runs into many hundreds or thousands of pounds sterling, or you have many, many irreplaceable bottles - neither does the juice. Light, iirc, is as much an issue affecting the longevity of perfume.

Somewhere dry and dark, in a cool and constant temperature. Away from the bathroom, perhaps in a drawer or wardrobe, and kept sealed in their original boxes.
Helveticum said:
I only know one guy that does it systematically. Mainly because he's got so many he won't use 'em up in ten lifetimes.

& I'm almost certain that K has got a double sided American style fridge to accomodate his stock !!!

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:

I actually think it looks more like this: