Just to say "Hi"

Wednesday June 22, 2011
Hi all

Been reading for quite a while so thought I would register and say hi. I have been shaving with a DE razor for around 2 years after 10 years of pain with cartridge and slim shaving.

This is some of my kit. Some are in real need of re-platting but all shave well. I need to stop buying shiny razors and put the money into a good brush. I have three but they are all basic really. Any recommendation on a new brush would be appreciated.


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quite a collection

as many here will say right after me... contact our man Fido here on the forum about his range of new forest brushes.

They are by far the best value out there just now. Quality products far exceeding their pricepoints.

I've had a 2201 for almost 8 months now and its been a delight to use every single time and still looks as fresh as the day I got it. I'm about to order one of his Ebony tubby 1's as well.

I will do that. Thanks
hi i'm new to DE and fido advised me to buy the new forest silvertip. It's a very nice brush i paid £38 and i have no hesitation recommending it but check it with fido
Hello Craig, that's a nice selection of shiny razors you've got there. If you have guilty feelings about amassing "spares", steer clear of cut throats.

Now, onto the brush question. I'll leave aside the well known names, though there's plenty of information available elsewhere. Frankly, the New Forest brushes are unbeatable for value at the moment, and Fido's a sterling chap to deal with, so that's a very safe recommendation. My two are a 2201 two band and a 2211 silvertip, both of which will make lather out of anything. Some time in the nearish future there will be a Shaving Room brush which looks very promising - see the thread in the brushes forum. Finally, we have a number of resident brush makers if you fancy a one off: Beejay, Henk Verhaar, Neocaligatio and Rudy Vey.
i'd say if you can get something with a 2201 based knot (two band best badger) then its all the brush you'd ever need to learn with. In fact it may be all the brush you EVER need

i only got a second because i leave a second shaving kit at my girlfriends.

i believe he still has a few available
I might have to fleabay a couple of the flare tips first. My pocket money has run out this month, I have an aristocrat on the way!