Just seen this

Can't confirm from personal use but I'd read that these were essentially the Leaf but slightly lesser build quality, seemingly been around for a year or two.

I think I came across these when I was tempting the Mrs into the razor realm to justify my own expenditure.
The kind you pump up. Self inflating jam has not been invented yet, and would make for a crap song anyway.

My learned friend refers to the "Brixton briefcase" as I believe they were called in the vernacular m'lud.
Ghetto blaster we called it back in the day, we used to spend a fortune on batteries of a Friday evening before heading off to drink our cheap wine carry-out.

Classic TSR therad tangents
The price point is ridiculous. It does seem a good idea. The current disposable swivel types are generally very light, no feedback etc. Some give a perfectly good shave when required. They are very user friendly, safe etc,. Expensive also!