June 2018 Acquisitions

Yaqi 24mm Moka Express Mew Brown Synthetic Brush.

Took just 9 days to arrive from China via Aliexpress for around £12 inc. p&p. I snapped it up while it was half price during their many offers (on Facebook).
Took it for a run today and have to say I'm very impressed. It's your standard modern synthetic brush quality; very soft but with a little backbone. Performance is equal top compared with my other synthetics. I can use this for both bowl and face lathering. Shed one hair after shampooing and today's shave but that's nothing to worry about.

The handle design is based on one of those Italian Moka Express coffee makers and it actually feels super comfortable in the hand. Fingers easily find the facets to give a better grip than even round handles which feel like your fingers are bent round the handle surface, if you see what I mean.

Now that's what I call a bargain.