June 2017 Acquisitions

Hi Mike.
I was thinking something along the lines of the Saponificio Varesino Chalice. Something with the handle installed on the bottom for easy grip. Not as long as the SV version and with the little slip dots for lather building. I'm going to see what Victoria thinks and if she can make one then why not?
Rockwell 6C and a Merkur 37C arrived today. The Rockwell took about a month to arrive after ordering, so not bad. The only thing is, I have 2 razors from the pass around at the mo so wont get to try these for a couple of weeks. By the way guys, are the Rockwell blades any good?
Now then. Could anyone explain to my (usually) better half why, after apparently waxing lyrical about the wonderful shaves I was getting from my EJD89 less than a year ago, I now have 5 DE razors?
WSP Summer Breeze arrived today - relatively faint scent but acquatic/fresh and quite nice. Looked at the ingredients...lo and behold, they're the same as what I'm using for my home-brew soap! I believe it's the same as MDC as well... Looking forward to trying them both out and seeing where I can improve!