
Has antdad changed his avatar yet?
Chortle, chortle.....
The chosen one what a joke
How does the song go ?, "It's not about the money money mon....." " oh wait....... sure it is".

Ok then, that explains who the guy is. No wonder I didn't recognize's only kickball for gosh sakes!

Oh, no offense meant of course to the many likers of that game here.
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Just watching youtubes of the final four in the college playoffs, trying to choose who to cheer for. At the moment I'm rooting for anyone but the Tide.
Ok then, that explains who the guy is. No wonder I didn't recognize's only kickball for gosh sakes!

Oh, no offense meant of course to the many likers of that game here.

'Tis the beautiful game.....FITBA'!!!! Ar ye comin' oot fur a gem o' fitba'? Aye, too right! Ower here, big felly - man on, man on! Och ye dozy bugger, ye. Bring 'im DOOON!!!! Hack the b*****d! Get in tae this shite, lads!

Oops sorry, got carried away there......

Poor old Jose

Don't know where,
Don't know when,
But we'll meet again,
Some sunny day.....

Special One? Bet his mama told him that 'cos the other kids stole his lunch money!
What the...?