Joining the straight brigade

I've been going at this for 3-4 days now. Mainly cheeks, now working around jaw onto throat. Chin areas still a bit challenging.

I've got my strop paddle, and have watched a heap of videos on stropping. So I think it is sharp, especially freshly honed by @Fergiebilly

No major cuts etc, but I am not finding that I am getting a very smooth shave even after two passes. Trying to stretch skin quite well.

Why isn't it very smooth? Is this normal at the start, and likely to improve when my technique improves?
It could be down to the angle of attack, if the blade is sharp it can only be a problem with technique, keep at it and try to adjust your angle a little, it should be quite steep and should be leaving you with a clean face after two passes.
I can only speak from experience but yes, the quality of the shave comes with practice, this won't be rushed. I found I was getting really good, clean areas after a few shaves; cheeks, sideburns etc - the easy bits. Then almost randomly I would get a good shave over larger, more difficult areas. What I've found over the months is that the frequency of these 'better' shaves had gone from occasional to almost without exception. Also, the areas that are occasionally not so clean have reduced to only the corners of my top lip area and the curve of my chin on the right side. Routinely the rest of my face is cleaner after 2 SR passes than with 2 DE passes.

This is the bit not to chase. I started doing repeated touch ups after a few shaves and trying weird angles to get a cleaner shave - this resulted in mistakes, nicks and one shallow cut that has scarred - annoyingly.

That point was when I realised all the advice I'd been given was to slow down, keep at the basic skills, etc. I did that, resulting in some patchy shaves unless I cleaned up with the DE but the practice improved the shave steadily.

I also go back to this video about every 6-8 weeks - particularly the chat about angles is useful and I always come away with insight to improve. It's posted loads elsewhere, sorry if you've seen it already.

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Like Driving a Car for the 1st Time SR Shaving is Anything But a Smooth Journey..Clunky Gear Changes..Jerky Accelerator & So On..Learning How to Steer the Car..Body Mechanics & Coordination..You are in the Same Situation All Over Again..

USELESS..Until You Learn..HOW..Then its EASY..Like Driving a Car..Yeah..Thats NORMAL..

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