Closed JEC, DE Handle Waiting List and Status

My shiny new JEC handle arrived today and what a beauty it is. Absolutely over the moon with it and gobsmacked at the sheer quality of it. r Postman seemed mighty relieved to offload this weighty package - he fair bounced down the road with his lightened load afterwards.

The knurling is deep, grippy and perfectly formed. The transfer of idea to reality and Daz's execution of what I asked for is absolutely spot on. If anything, it's better than I hoped for. Its shines just like the vivid, bright chrome plating of the Edwin Jagger head and the fit is also perfection. This is one razor that has serious shaving room presence and I can see the others cowering timidly in the corner. Not shaved with it yet as I feel crap today but will buck myself up and go do the 3S routine soon. It certainly lifted my spirits when I took it out of the box.

If there is anyone doubting whether or not they should get one or are sitting on the fence considering all options then all I have to say is speak to Daz, he'll sort something stunning out for you that'll you'll never regret buying. These are the real deal and then some....

Pictures pictures!
Och, I'm kak with a camera but I'll go ask Mrs Gairdner when she get's in to find her camera, get it charged and I'll do my best to take a couple of half decent pictures. Best I can do.

Had a shave with it - more grip than a Pit Bull on acid! But I'll put the rest in SotD.....

[attachment=5826]Hope you don't mind me posting this in here,it's a handle my brother made for me,and here's the spec :- It's stainless steel 93mm/3.6in long, about 11mm at the base, and weighs 57g/2.01oz, with a M5x0.8 thread, it could most probably be about a mm wider at the top to make it the same width as my Muhle handle but I'm not complaining.
Received the handle yesterday, thanks LTB.
The first thing that struck me was the size of this thing. It's a beast! Especially as I'm used to using short handles like the Merkur 34c and Weber Bulldog, so I wasn't sure I was going to be comfortable shaving with this. However, I tried it this morning with my DLC head and got a lovely shave. The extra weight seemed to make a real difference. The only negative was that I found it a bit slippy to hold but nothing that a bit of knurling wouldn't solve.
The quality and finish on the handle is superb and I'll be trying it out a few more times with the DLC.
Thanks Daz for letting me have a shot of this. It's fantastic.
Right, I'll go and try to find yon ruddy camera. Will be a while before it charges if its flat and my photo taking skills are bad.

One thing I have noticed is that the handle looks great with vintage Nickel plated heads as well. I'm a bit fussy and don't like mixing chrome and nickel but the stainless steel seems to go well with either. Looks grand with my 7 O'clock New long comb head! Will send that wee beastie off for a replating when funds allow and then it'll look even better.
Granville, fetch a cloth and wipe that smile off your face. You know what they used to do with errand boys in my day?
Anyone else want a shot of this fine handle made by Daz? Use it for a couple of weeks now and It's a great way of finding out if you're suited to using a long, heavy, handle. I've always preferred shorter handles but since I've been using this I think I may be converted.
Come in you know you want to give it a go.
I would be interested in trying the handle out.


PM your address and I'll get it posted out to you tomorrow. It's an excellent handle.