January 2017 Aquisitions

My favorite injector after trying many other types over the years. Takes a little playing with when loading a blade. Speaking of blades I would hold off on using the ones in that pic. Too old and nasty.

Congrats on the new addition to your arsenal.
I used a Plus Platinum which I had no problem loading. Very nice shave

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Apparently this works well as a moisturiser. Maybe should have got a smaller bottle to try it out though [emoji23]

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Its very good as a moisturiser and absorbs quickly. Apricot kernel oil is another option.
Bitter almonds are laced with cyanide, however, so I'd advise to avoid them.
Thanks for the info, look forward to hearing what you think of these blades in due course.
Well after using one Iridium Super blade for 9 shaves in 9 different razors I can confirm these are good blades, 9 shaves was stretching it but the first 7 shaves were all good, the last 2 were actually OK still had a good result but felt rough.

Will I buy more? Only if the price is right. My other favourite blades are all cheaper and more readily available, but I wanted to try these and I was not disappointed. Getting 7 good shaves from the blade makes them a bit more economical.
Thankyou for getting back to me, 7 shave's from one blade is very good indeed. How would you compare them to Polsilver SI? Do you know if the IS blades can be bought in the hundreds and if so where from? Not that I need anymore blades but you know what it's like!

I actually did not get on that well with the Polsilver SI, but will be trying them again next. I would put the wizamet/polsilver blades I have tried so far in this order.

1. Polsilver Stainless (Lodz factory)
2. Iridium Super (St Petersburg)
3. Polsilver SI (St Petersburg)

And to put that in more context equal to the Iridium Supers are Gillette Silver Blue, Bolzano (yes I know I must be amongst the few who like these), Lord Platinum Class and Astra SP. Better than the SI for me are Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge and Personna Lab or Med blues, oh yes and BIC Chrome I quite like.

I am also lucky enough to get to to try these two blades, see below, kindly gifted to me by @Celar36, so I will be trying these soon as well. The only source I know of the Iridium Supers are razorbladesclub.com or tryablade.com. The former are £11.44 for 10 so 100 might be a bit too much! If you find any Iridium Super blades in the wild be sure to let me know!

Wow, thanks for all the info and yes if I find iridium super blades out there I will let you know straight away.
I too love the Polsilver stainless blades lodz, probably my number one blade of choice , I have also a real liking for the Polsilver super iridium blades and would love to find and try the iridium super blades but I'm not holding out too much hope but still looking in Europe at present .
Thanks again. Ps, I think my BAD is as bad as yours but at least I've got my RAD under control now!
These blades made by Wizamet in Poland went out of production in the early 1990's. I have one pack and yes, they are fantastic.
Just out of interest, how many good shaves do you get from the Polsilver stainless (lodz) blades? I realise this will be different for everybody but I find I can get many more shaves per blade than I can with all of my other blades which helps with the cost of these blades.
Thanks Paul, yes. Hope you too? I would buy more if I could, as I said, they're no longer in production so I'd like to know where they're coming from?
Yes well thanks.
I suppose someone had a stockpile of them before the production came to an end, the stainless blades are out of production but still available at a price but a price worth paying imo.