January 2017 Aquisitions

I was easily getting 5 shaves out of the them, the first 100 I bought of these from shaving.ie were a bargain, so I never pushed past 5 shaves. If i knew how good these blades were when I bought them, I bought them untried based on a recommendation, I would have bought more at that time. By the the time I went back for more the price had doubled. I have about 280 of these blades now and although I have never tried to go past 5 shaves I suspect they can match the Iridiums for longevity, next time I use one I will be seeing how far it goes. I think these are one of the best DE blades I have tried. Still got plenty more untried blades to try and hoping to find more blades that can match these but I suspect these will remain my favourite DE blades.

I agree they are still worth the price currently, there are some other current production blades that still cost more, and most are nowhere near as good as these.
Nice one, please be sure to let me know how far you can get with them and if you find any other blade that shaves as well with longevity.