Jamie Oliver in America

Tuesday July 14, 2009
Anybody been watching this?

Jamie is travelling around the USA, meeting different people and seeing what they eat (apart from Maccie Dee etc).

Once you get past Jamie's 'homeboy/my bruvva' crap, it is actually interesting.

His cowboy 'fondue' experience looked fantastic. The cowboys fill a huge cast iron full of pig lard, hoist it over a fire and get it boiling. Beautiful looking, thick cut steaks are then impaled on a pitchfork, and dipped into the fat for about 1 minute, then taken out and eaten
I think Jamie Oliver is amazing. Will try to watch this on Channel 4's iPlayer thingy, but last night had a go and it didn't work.

Also must watch Nigel Slater's new show as I'm a very big fan. I remember his original show on Channel 4 many years ago which introduced a young and foxy Nigella Lawson to the public. For that alone he must be commended!!
I thought the cowboy one was pretty rubbish, there's no cooking getting done it is just him having a 'find yourself' trip.Hate the rodeo through principle so I ended up fast forwarding through most of it.
The mexican one last week was better, especially when he went to the old market where no one spoke English, he was walking around chewing on mescalin from some old mexican binty (who was probably pissing herself at the sight of him)

What are the details about Slater's show? Is it started yet? Channel, time, day?

I am a fan of his, one of the few cooks whose ideas I actually use. His fried chicken sandwich gets a regularly outing. Nice and simple, actually food for real people!

@Boab, yes, the Mexican stuff was really interesting
Yes! The chicken sandwich using leftovers from a roast is amazing!!!! Haven't had it for some time but I recall he has more than one version of this. Not at home so can't look it up, but it is basically the leftover chicken coated in egg and bread crumbs fried in butter. Then placed in between bread with some lemon juice and seasoning. Tasty.

The show is called Simple Suppers and is on BBC1 on Wednesdays at 7.30pm as far as I know. It will be on the iPlayer I expect so intend to watch it tonight.
I haven't caught pillow tongue yet but I did catch a bit of Slater the other night, I like his writing but he has gone all Nigella with his deliberately slow and "seductive" presenting style.

I hope this series picks up, I like him but cooking left overs is so well...obvious.

Wait did you say pillow tongue was playing cowboy? Did he use a special tongue quard?

Thats the one! I use mayo mixed with wholegrain mustard as a dressing.

I think my Spanish omelette is a Slater special too.