James Bond GoldFinger

Goldfinger was on earlier today. In the final third of the film on the small plane , Sean Connery pulls out a DE Razor. I think it's a long-handled Gillette Adjustible.

I got pretty excited when I saw that but my partner didn't see what the fuss was about. lol


It looked like a Slim Adjustible, or a Flair Tip Super Speed :? :?
i slapped my Knife and Fork down and nearly choked on a yorkie pudding, to show my Girlfriend the Razor and she just stared at me, no words were uttered but her look said it all..............."COCK !"


:lol: :lol:

My better half, completely does not understand my interest in Classic Razors & Shaving, but bless her she has eyes like a hawk if we go to car boots, and she is a "Master Of The Haggle"