Jakers and the DE89L

Thursday March 1, 2012

I thought I'd finally take the 'plunge' and properly sign up to TSR after having been a long-term reader.

I started DE shaving mid last year when I used up the last of my Gilette Fusion cartridges and thought, 'There's no way I'm going to spend £20 for a few more of these.'

So, that's where it all began for me, and there has been no turning back. I've greatly appreciated the advice and reviews on this site.

I'm using an Edwin Jagger DE89L, working my way through a blade starter pack (still haven't worked up the courage to try a feather yet) and Mitchell's Wool Fat (which has been pretty tough going to lather). Just this week though I started using Proraso cream, which has been superb.

I'm whipping this all up with an Edwin Jagger Super brush, which is lovely.


Hi Jakers and welcome to the forum.

I have been DE shaving since the end of Dec and really love the whole experience.

Also working my way through a set of sample blades and have tried the Feathers.
I, probably like you held off for trying them due to the comments I had read but in all honesty, whilst they are indeed sharp if you prep properly and take your time you shouldn't have any issues with them.

Not tried MWF or Proraso cream but have a D R Harris Arlington Soap which is my weekend treat otherwise my normal go to is Pamolive Shave Stick or Real Shaving Co Shaving Cream. At the moment I have some sample creams from T&H and GF Trumper that I'm working through.

When trying a new blade I'll always use the Pamolive as the first use as this is a know baseline for me.

Welcome to the board! It sounds like you've taken the same approach as me - lots of info to gain from the site just by lurking without needing to join.

I've got the DE89 too and find it a very nice razor and I completely agree about the Proraso cream. That and the Speick shaving cream are my two favourites so far.

Hi Jakers, don't be wary of the feather blades, they're just another blade after all. You've got a decent razor and if you're not drawing blood with it fitted with an average blade like say, a Lord or Shark, then a feather won't eat you alive either. I find they just help to remove that bit more hair per pass, they're not dangerous per se.
Generally poor technique is to blame for nips, seems you're on top of that so go for a trial of a feather.

Welcome to TSR.
Hi, Welcome to the forum.

I've only been DE shaving for just over a month, my first shave was on 31st January.

I am using feathers now, just got 100 of them from the bay of evil. As others have said, they are nothing to worry about. I find them really good and they cope well with my heavy beard.

I'm loving the experimentation with different soaps and creams and balms, oh and razors too. Tried my first vintage razor today, a 1958 Gillette Super Speed, and it was fantastic, nicest shave yet.
Hello Jakers and welcome. I'm quite new to DE razor shaving and have tried the Feathers. Mainly out of intrigue as they have a bit of a reputation regardless as to what the more experienced shavers may say about them. Not too bad really...I felt that they started to give me a comfortable shave from around shave 3 onwards. The first 2 uses were too aggressive Ifor me. Each to their own though. Keep posting.