I've just ordered.

My supply of blades is low. My cream has gone and my soap is getting low.
So.... I have just ordered a pile of Gem single edge blades, the cheapest alum block I could find and also some Cella soap.
Is Cella any good?
Its about time I spent money on myself.
Cella is great but . . . it brings me out in a rash (almond soaps do, Henk knows why. Cyanide I expect.)

Good to treat yourself; I actually need to go the other way and stop spending money on myself but that's between me and the wife (and the Lord).
BTW did you get or at least hear that Rend Collective album? The new David Crowder Band one is amazing as well, but in a very different way. Check out We Are Loved or Eastern Hymn on Spotify. Awesome.
I recently acquired some Cella and I'm very impressed with it. I'm not a massive fan of the almond/marzipan scent, but it lathers quickly and easily and gives a nice shave. I even used it for 8 consecutive shaves, which doesn't happen that often!

Cella is meant to be very good, i use p160 which is meant to be similar and i love the stuff, lots of cushioning if i need of a bbs shave i always grab that first.
My experience is that if Cella brings the Rev out in a rash, then P.160 will be far worse. Of the two, Cella's the clear winner on all counts except price. Sharon's latest formula behaves very similarly, and isn't almond flavoured, by the way.
Yup p160 does indeed have a stronger almond scent, shame it sets you off as they are both great soaps.

I find my eshave mandarin is great for face lathering up there with the two above, in the bowl not so much but still it's a good alternative, no tallow or almond neither, bit pricey for what it is though.
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