I've Gone SE Crazy

I don't know quite what posessed me, but over the last few days I've added a Gem Junior Bar, Gem Pushbutton and Ever Ready 1914 to my collection.

They should go nicely with my 1912, Clog Pruf, MMOC and G Bar!

I don't really like the plastic handled ones (Featherweight, Contor etc) but I'm temped to get them just for completeness.

I think I've developed SEAD. At least it is cheaper than the Mercedes-Benz Aquisition Disorder I had a few years ago.
Be careful of the 1914 and blade alignment. Not sure if it's just me but I had difficulties with it and it could be safety problem. I'm not sure why the spring going around the middle of the head is designed the way that it is, appreciate you input once you've used it.

The featherweight and the contour round off the series. You'll see how they lead into the modern throw-aways.

Blimey is that me you are talking about.......think I will print off a few copies of your post and send to my Family. :icon_razz::icon_razz::icon_razz:


Your head will swell, MOL...:icon_rolleyes::icon_razz: