It's a new day

Seattle, WA, USA
My last dog, a few years ago, was a delightful Airedale Terrier who woke up each and every morning happy, with her tongue hanging out and an expression on her face saying, "It's a new day! Isn't it wonderful!" I'm reminded of her sometimes when I shave and realize that even if I no longer am actively experimenting with as many different razors or soaps or aftershaves as in times past, each new day's shave is still a unique experience. While I am using exactly the same equipment and products that I used a few weeks ago in my rotation, life's river has flowed on and I am a different person each morning. My posture is different, my heartbeat and breathing are different, the brush and blade feel different on my skin - and most importantly, my attitude and awareness and consciousness are different. Even more today than yesterday or last week or last month, I appreciate fully my good fortune in being alive and healthy and with most of my little gray cells still functioning, and I'm able to experience fully the sameness/newness of each brush stroke and razor glide. I've had this same experience of truly being "in the moment" at other times, but I think that at this point in my life my daily shave provides it more than anything else I do.